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Jimmy McNulty

Yep, this mod is dying

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Just look on players in last 24 hours. Its around 153 000, and its decreasing every day. A lot of people I know stopped playing this due to haxors, useless tents and coz there's nothing to do anymore. Yeah, there's more unique players every day but its flustrating as fuck to play dayZ today as beginner coz you're easy target for assholes camping in Cherno/elektro and getting killed by haxors several times a day.

Cant wait for dayZ standalone.

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Or maybe some people have lives and don't play every single day.

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Yep you died also before you posted this ,

50 players is enough for me to have fun so :)

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The dayz stanalone will be much worse then this.

It should be an open mod for all, this way you can setup your own privat server and play as you like.

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It's just like (going to be) any other game (mod in this case). You play it for a while then stop, and after half a year start again. Meanwhile play Minecraft, there is a survival mode there :)

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I do not enjoy the hackers also. I usually raid all the military compounds and deer stands and leave stuff by the coast for noobs to find, sometimes compasses or a handgun and ammo. But the server I play on hackers pull some crap where they kill everyone on the server, sometimes I know its going to happen because I see players sometimes talking about a german shepherd that turns into a cloud of rainbow smoke.

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Or maybe some people have lives and don't play every single day.


And maybe people are taking a break because of hackers, but honestly as soon as battleEye updates again most of the hackers (who downloaded free hacks) will not be able to hack any more and get banned.

Or people stopped playing and started waiting for the game to be released as a standalone

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Hackers are simply a way of life right now for the game? Its only in Alpha, But they are annoying fucks.

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It has periods of highs and lows I believe. I had a month break because I became bored with it end-game. Few mates of mine started playing so I returned and it's a whole new level of things to do. Mostly banditry and shenanigans.

Dogs in 1.7.3 and probably more things comming to give us insight as much as possible on stand-alone, people will come back, and people will go as well. It's all cycles.

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DayZ is just going through the process every game does. Games get released, get glory and massive amounts of players. After that the amount of players decrease pretty rapidly and stabilize.

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There are definatley less people playing. You used to go to the server list and almost every server was full but now thats not the case. I think there are a couple of contributing factors one would be hackers another would be rockets inability to fix a simple bug that ruins the experience of the game. The graphic glitch bug has been going on for over a month and people just get tired of it. Especially when a patch is released saying it will fix it and nothing changes.

There is also no fix listed in announcments on the horizon so I'm not holding my breath on this one.

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Sigh, what can I say that hasn't already been said a million times before.

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People that are suggesting that its a natural cycle of all games are in a serious state of denial.

If the hacking is killing it fast. I can handle graphic glitches and bugs.. but knowing there is a high chance someone is going to maliciously kill me or mess with my gaming session.. that sucks.

While the pop will decline a bit due to school and other cyclical issues, the numbers will take a huge nose dive soon if the hacking isn't fixed!

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Or maybe some people have lives and don't play every single day.

I don't get it. Many people just got hired? What you said makes no sense.

And yeah, scripting, duping, and bugged inventory is not letting people enjoy this mod so they're quitting. Although someone could make an argument that we were never supposed to enjoy it because it's alpha.

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topics that say game "xyz" is dying are ALWAYS wrong.


The dayz stanalone will be much worse then this.

It should be an open mod for all, this way you can setup your own privat server and play as you like.

exactly the other way 'round. we need official servers with clear rules, free of hackers, free of "you killed me so imma ban you!" server-owners and free of server-hoppers for loot or ghosting. the standalone will make everything better.

Edited by spliff

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Its because of schools. So, I'd prematurely like to say that you are dying.

Also alot of people will stop playing because the stand alone got announced. Why? so the standalone presents itself as fresh! I myself would stop playing. However I just found a car for the first fucking time and I want to drive the shit out of it.

Bring on the standalone game!

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When ARMA ceases to be a top seller on Steam we can talk about the mod "dying."

For now lets just talk about its growth slowing. That's all we're seeing. 50,000 new players per week is still amazing growth.

Hackers suck but DayZ is doing fine.

It should be an open mod for all, this way you can setup your own privat server and play as you like.

This is such a silly mentality. "I don't like DayZ so you should give it to me and let me change the way it works."

If you don't like DayZ, make your own mod or just don't play.

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The dayz stanalone will be much worse then this.

It should be an open mod for all, this way you can setup your own privat server and play as you like.

Yea, great idea dummy. The point of you testing this mod is so the developers can collect data of how people play, what needs to be changed and/or addressed. So they can attempt to fix things. So the QQ'n can sorta stop.

No data, no development.

Edited by opeth
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Well your right, the mod is dying!

10.000+ people each day are not enough to keep this mod alive!

o rly?

A look in the future;

DayZ Standalone will be a Blockbuster and will achieve huge sales, Arma 2 is on the 1-2 position in the Steamshop since weeks.

Many people do not even know of DayZ and the need of Arma 2 to actually run it, as soon as DayZ will be promoted and becomes Standalone I bet it will be as successful as Minecraft.

The Standalone versions will have a bigger map and there is the goal that nearly every building should be able to be entered, the weapon arsenal will be drastically increased... all those things have been confirmed. Just imagine a TV-Spot in which you can see a lonely survivor looking at cherno and seeing a tons of zombies while the following message appears: "You're not alone".

DayZ Standalone will run on the Arma 3 engine and some aspects of the Engine are getting customized for DayZ (for example Zombie behavior).

I allready love this game and as soon as DayZ Standalone goes live I bet I will need to forget about my real life for several weeks.

but everyone can feel free to quit the game,

its just one meat ball less.

...one last word: Guys, you're playing a Alpha-Version, get used to it!

I personally bought Arma 2, Arma 2 Combined Operations and both DLC... not because I needed to but because I wanted to give Bohemia Interactive and Rocket as much support as possible!

If there would be a Donation option I would use it... without Bohemia Interactive and Arma 2, Rocket would have never had the opportunity to create DayZ.


Edited by YassirX

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I'm not playing regularly anymore. I haven't lost any love for the mod. I still watch youtube vids, livestreams, and visit the forums everyday, and log in on occasion, but there are a few things that have gotten to me.

I died a few times to script kiddies. Then I changed and started alt+f4ing whenever there was a cheater spotted on the server, the moment I was teleported or thunderdomed, the moment a hacked vehicle was found on the server. My character got to over 45 days old with only one murder which was in self defence. I was eventually killed a few days ago, to a server hopper who logged in directly behind/on top of me while I was in a corner with only one approach, trying to guard a vehicle, while a friend was out looking for parts. Server hopping broke the game as much as the script kiddies did. I also witnessed a group of players, the same night, log in around vehicle spawns from another server, check what the vehicles needed, log back off to server hop, and reappear a few minutes later with the parts needed to repair them, they then took most of the vehicles and stored them off-map, this also broke the immersion for me.

I'll be back. But definitely not as often as I was playing before. The experiment has already been a success as far as I'm concerned, and I'm looking forward to the standalone.

Edited by osirish
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I don't know know what I'm more excited about. The stand alone, or another dayz is dying/I know the future/Rocket is the worst developer ever thread where the op makes a complete balls of himself.

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