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the future of this game.

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tl:dr i want ultima online with the arma engine

i think the dayz crew are heading down the wrong path here, looking at releasing a quick pc version for $15 and then looking at consoles.

they can make dayz so much bigger and better than that.

this game will always be a one trick pony which people will eventually get bored of because there is no end game.

heres the direction i would be excited about if the developers went for it;

increase the map size considerably. and make it a little denser.

increase the average server population to about 200 people per server

basically go to town introducing old school (ie pre wow) MMORPG ideals.

Tradeskills. let people mine for metal and ores on hillsides, cliffs and mountains.

let them make basic weapons all the way up to guns and sell them/swap them/bank them

Let people hunt animals and make clothes from the hides

let people have an economy, with a reason to trade goods between towns. (ie you can make certain things using resources, but differing towns are near to different resources so some travelling needs to occur to get the best price/swap/deal for those resources)

Introduce public houses so trusted people or even societies can use them to meet, chat and trade together. with 200 (or more) people per server, there will be more groups forming, and they will want to protect towns for their own security so they can a: hold a monopoly of the resources that spawn there, b:trade and create their own resources to survive with in relative safety. so pubs in controlled towns should be fairly safe, a good place to go and introduce yourself if you want to operate around that area and use town facilities for a while.

forget about zombies. or atleast have levels for them so you can make some areas more difficult for a better chance of good loot.

perhaps - also have levels for tradeskills

perhaps - get rid of perma death, and allow a limited number of incarnations under one "life". but keep looting ofcourse.

i know this seems like a completely different game, but perhaps dayz can be the inspiration which forms a far greater thing. it can be the champion of the old school mmorpg that comes back to defeat WoW and all other bs, questathon, lame instanced pvp and no looting mmo's for once and all.

thats what i'd like to see anyway.

the very worst thing they can do, in my opinion, is leave it there as a $15 pc game and then go and spend a load of time and energy releasing it on consoles which are on their last legs already, dayz will look awful on, and ultimately will be a poor game because of the simplification of controls.

Edited by tfninja

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I guess this is a troll either that or else go back and play wow. Dayz is a fantastic game so far and I cant wait for Rocket to introduce some of the new features he has talked about in interviews. That all said at the moment I am going to stop playing until the hacking gets sorted or the hackers get bored which ever one comes first.

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NO to leveling, safe zones and permadeath nerf, yes to a more advanced crafting system to kickstart game economy.

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Some of the things you have suggested have already been mentioned by rocket in his recent AMA question session, but i have to say some of the other things you mention go completely against the grain of a survival game.

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"Tradeskills. let people mine for metal and ores on hillsides, cliffs and mountains.

let them make basic weapons all the way up to guns and sell them/swap them/bank them

Let people hunt animals and make clothes from the hides

let people have an economy, with a reason to trade goods between towns. (ie you can make certain things using resources, but differing towns are near to different resources so some travelling needs to occur to get the best price/swap/deal for those resources)"

- Yep, but thats not World of Warcraft or something. i don't think so that in zombie apocalypse i will run and look for herbs/ores etc. The game mechanic in this way is good and do not need change (scavenging).

- Crafting is not a bad idea but i only think obout scope flashlight attachments.

NO TOWNS, i want to go and scavenge if i want something. There could be a one trade camp or something but only ONE. Also its not recommanded becouse of sniper campers looking for ppl that are going in/out of city and becouse of bunch of scared kids that will be afraid to leave a camp. The next thing is that the gameplay will be focused on that camp.

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You need to do some better research before posting a wall of text like that. Amongst other things, the final game may support 100 - 200 people per server and after the initial "Chernarus-Plus" map Rocket is looking into supporting other maps including ones created by the community.

With regards to your other points, your right, that would be a completely different game.

Also, the console part of your post is pure speculation. He just said he wouldn't rule out a console port AFTER it had proved successful on PC's.

Edited by Fraggle
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You are a nuttjob and 99% of your suggestions isn't going to fit this game.

You can say that Rocket "reinvented" the wheel, soon other developers and publishers will follow and the gaming industry will finally have something fresh to offer.

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NO to leveling, safe zones and permadeath nerf, yes to a more advanced crafting system to kickstart game economy.

i dont propose any safe zones.

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"Tradeskills. let people mine for metal and ores on hillsides, cliffs and mountains.

let them make basic weapons all the way up to guns and sell them/swap them/bank them

Let people hunt animals and make clothes from the hides

let people have an economy, with a reason to trade goods between towns. (ie you can make certain things using resources, but differing towns are near to different resources so some travelling needs to occur to get the best price/swap/deal for those resources)"

- Yep, but thats not World of Warcraft or something. i don't think so that in zombie apocalypse i will run and look for herbs/ores etc. The game mechanic in this way is good and do not need change (scavenging).

- Crafting is not a bad idea but i only think obout scope flashlight attachments.

NO TOWNS, i want to go and scavenge if i want something. There could be a one trade camp or something but only ONE. Also its not recommanded becouse of sniper campers looking for ppl that are going in/out of city and becouse of bunch of scared kids that will be afraid to leave a camp. The next thing is that the gameplay will be focused on that camp.

but there needs to be more depth, and that is what gethering natural resources is about. once survival is largely ensured, you and your friends can try to lay claim to a town, and use the facilities of the town to produce stuff from the raw materials that are gathered. and then people will want to join you so they can enjoy the safety of your town, or they want free passage to another town or bandits can try and invade and take it over, etc. so it introduces politics. the game gets very dull as things are. the changes i suggest are to allow players to rebuild some kind of society of their own, which will be the real interesting thing, it is what changes it from a game you can perhaps play for 100 hours, to a game you might play for thousands of hours.

ps: i dont want towns to be any different to how they are already, just with perhaps a metalworking shop, or facilities to do some tradeskilling, to give some worth and reason to protect them.

Edited by tfninja

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You need to do some better research before posting a wall of text like that. Amongst other things, the final game may support 100 - 200 people per server and after the initial "Chernarus-Plus" map Rocket is looking into supporting other maps including ones created by the community.

With regards to your other points, your right, that would be a completely different game.

Also, the console part of your post is pure speculation. He just said he wouldn't rule out a console port AFTER it had proved successful on PC's.

read a book, then perhaps a few lines of text will not be so intimidating for you.

Edited by tfninja

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read a book, then perhaps a few lines of text will not be so intimidating for you.

I think he was reffering more to the fact that half of the things you were commenting on have in fact already been mentioned as in development by rocket in a recent interview. Knowing this would have been the "research" that he reffered to. It's also been suggested by Rocket that he would like to put systems into the game by which people can set a lot of things up how they want to. Along the lines of say, u want to create an oasis of civilization in the sea of the apocalypse? Ok you can go and do that, but then you will have to defend it against anyone else who wants to see it burn.

Please please please remember that at the end of the day(Z), this game is about surviving during an ongoing zombie apocalypse. You should be fearing for your life, not trying to set up the new world order.

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Please please please remember that at the end of the day(Z), this game is about surviving during an ongoing zombie apocalypse. You should be fearing for your life, not trying to set up the new world order.

I see the game a bit differently from that, and I think that's potentially the greatest thing about this game. Rocket's said repeatedly that he gives us the environment and no rules, and what we do with it is up to us.

The rampant duping and storage disappearing issues are kind of killing the system at the moment, but it seems to me setting up a hidden encampment to store your stuff is one of the things one would do in an apocalyptic setting. If you got enough people together, I could also see there being a desire to build a town, walled, with people defending it.

I imagine once the tools are in place, you'll see people doing stuff like setting up safe trade zones where they've got a walled town, parties wanting to trade go in, and they're covered by the people who own the town with some kind of fee paid for the safe trade opportunity. People who try to renege on deals in town get sniped. That type of thing.

I also imagine there will be a buttload of people who think they're Lord Humungous and want to take the beans from the town. Organized bandits might even have a shot at doing this. Hence, gameplay.

My point is, the game provides the tools, we decide how to use them. As it stands now, we've got a lot of individuals with guns shooting people with infinite ammo because they haven't got the tools to do much beyond that.

I realize it's a buttload of speculation, but that's what I think has the potential to happen.Personally, I'm not hugely fond of the OP's idea as is just because it would pretty much turn the entire game medieval. While cool, I'm not entirely sure it's a good fit for DayZ.

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well, i am going to stop playing dayz, wake me up when suriving stops being boring, pvp is not the only thing to do, and hackers get banned.

I think never, but i am already gradually stoping to play this game

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I think with the stand alone game of DayZ they should allow you to lock doors, but they can be busted down by hostiles and zombies, but once you clear the two out, you should be able to build a barrier to stop the from coming in, temporarily. And you should be able to do the same to windows. So it would be like you can find the wood and nails and preferred guns, go to a building, and enclose yourself in the room like Black Ops Zombies. But when it gets out of hand, you can leave to the next city.

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