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How to handle the backstabbers?

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So I spotted a group of four from far away, about 600M with my binoculars. I asked if they were friendly, they said yes. I warned them multiple times that I was approaching. I got to them and one of them shot me when I said I was here. And yes I am mad bro.

*multiple expletives*


I had an AKM, every type of accessory, map, compass, watch, hatchet, hunting knife. A good backpack, an M1911 with tons of ammo. Two blood bags! WTF?!

This is the first time i've actually gotten raged after this bullshit happened.

I think they were mexican, so I blame it on that..... honestly, I do.... server was full of mexicans...

So yeah, I think I am done with this game for a very, very long time unless I could find some honest people to group with. It's fucking retarded.

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Is 23 hours new?

I needed someone to help me w/ a blood transfusion and it seemedl ike I would never be able to get someone to help me. I thought a group of 4 was more likely to help than some lone ranger.

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You should have killed one and offered to be a replacement.

More seriously; you took a risk and it didn't go in your favor. Try again, maybe it'll pay off eventually.

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This is how your story should have read -

So I spotted a group of four from far away, about 600M with my binoculars. I went prone and slowly snuck up on them as they cooked refried beans over a campfire. I then used my decked out AKM to smoke 2 of them right off the bat, and gravely wound a third. While the 4th guy is likely still running due north. The end.

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It's not the fact they were mexican's (racist). It's called being a human. Human's lie everyday. My word of advice? Really, don't trust anyone. Find someone off game to play with and learn to trust them. Also the fact you spotted a GROUP of people meaning they're likely friends and likely aren't going to be adding more people to their group. Seeing group's running together is a red flag to walk away and don't interact with them.

One thing I'm starting to love about this game is just how you learn something new each run. Use your gut instinct. Use common sense. Simple things can extend your life far longer than someone who's more careless.

Take a deep breath, restart that life, get your gear back, and have fun. Raging will just make you do poor choices and will make you play more aggressively because you'll want you gear back faster.

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Why the shit didnt you just Cook some meat

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id tell you im friendly and shot you too. i always answer "friendly" and when i have a chance i finish the guy off.

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Why the shit didnt you just Cook some meat

I don't know! My gut instinct was telling me just to run north into the woods as I had plenty of supplies. But my superego was telling me to get a blood transfusion immediately cause I had two friggin blood bags...

Sucks being a human...

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You can't deal with them, is a matter of luck really. Don't change the way you play though, otherwise they win.

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  'TOCMasterK said:

Welcome to DayZ.

I knew someone would say this. I bet your one of these types of people. Actually' date=' I guarantee it... that might explain why you have (now, thanks to me) -39 rep.


I honestly think I was having more fun when I WAS a noob and I had no idea where the good weapons were or the loot areas. Then I didn't really care when I died, and when I first started playing I would often run into non-hostiles... usually in the coastal noob areas. Since then I have been having (I think...) less and less fun. I also feel more inclined to shoot on sight when I have a good weapon as well as someone may want to kill me since I have good gear so they can take it.

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/me jumps off the top of a skyscraper

  'Jamrock990 said:

Welcome to DayZ.

I knew someone would say this. I bet your one of these types of people. Actually' date=' I guarantee it... that might explain why you have (now, thanks to me) -39 rep.


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  'Dancingg said:

It's not the fact they were mexican's (racist). It's called being a human. Human's lie everyday.


ohhh bro' date=' i seriously hope you run into a pack of brazilians in any multiplayer game someday.

You [b']WILL change that idea very quickly.


Little ponies like you (LOL RAYCISSS RAYCISSS) are cute, but at the same time, it makes me shed a tear over your naivety.

Also, a little education, mexican isn't a race, it's nationality. :rolleyes:

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You were a loot piñata and you approached a group of children armed with baseball bats, what did you think was going to happen?

The only time you should ever approach other people is when you don't have anything to lose.

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Only one to blame is yourself, really. In a game like this, walking up to a group of survivors is pretty naive. I'm still new, only started playing a week ago, and I learned that very quickly.

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  'noxiousg said:

You were a loot piñata and you approached a group of children armed with baseball bats' date=' what did you think was going to happen?


This sounds like something straight out of Zero Punctuation lol

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  'Koot said:

Also' date=' a little education, mexican isn't a race, it's nationality. :rolleyes:


Hey guy, have a quote from the Wikipedia article on racism:

"Racism" and "racial discrimination" are often used to describe discrimination on an ethnic or cultural basis' date=' independent of whether these differences are described as racial.[/quote']

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  'maldoror said:

This is how your story should have read -

So I spotted a group of four from far away' date=' about 600M with my binoculars. I went prone and slowly snuck up on them as they cooked refried beans over a campfire. I then used my decked out AKM to smoke 2 of them right off the bat, and gravely wound a third. While the 4th guy is likely still running due north. The end.


and this is why for most once the 'Dear Hunter' but with zombies novelty wears off people stop playing.

I have a feeling that this mod is a delicate flower at the moment, if it is truly going to blossom it needs some real care.

otherwise a sandbox DM get s old real fast

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What i've learned from playing this game so far... If you have more than me, I can benefit from killing you. If you have less than me, you can benefit from killing me, so i'm gonna have to kill you. If you have friends with you, chances are there's no reason not to kill me, those extra beans in my backpack could save you one day, or maybe you're just worried i'll put a makrov round in the back of your head. If I am with friends, you best avoid me because chances are i'm thinking the exact same thing. Trust no one.

I'm not saying I gun down every player I see. I have made a lot of friends within the game, ones that have helped me, ones that i've saved from hordes of zombies, even used my own medical supplies on, there are plenty of nice people in the game, but unless they are your RL friend, chances are they're just as worried about you putting a bullet in their brain as you are about them doing the same to you.

On a side note, I do wish people were a little bit more honest about this in game. If people ask if i'm friendly, I prefer to reply with "it depends on what gun you have pointed at my head and what food you have in your backpack".

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