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Loot spawn while driving

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I've been using a bycicle for the few past days and I realized that neither the zombies or loots spawn activate correctly while entering a town at full speed whit it...

Am I the only one with this problem?

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Doesn't loot spawn something like 2-3 minutes after first survivor walks within a certain radius? You may be the first person to ride through the areas since a server restart.


You aren't letting the loot spawn; hang around for a few minutes and give the zombies something to chase.


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yea, based on my experience, as you enter the city and the zombies start to spawn the same will happen with the loot. I've actually been looting some gear and with the gear window still open, some more loot was spawning up. It happened to me last night, weird but great! Lol

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If you're in a vehicle, whatever it is, spawns don't work. Neither Zombies nor loot.

So, if you entered a city with zombies and you are in a vehicle a survivor is/was near-by. What you can do is hide your bicycle farther than 50mts. and then start walking, it can take up to 5 minutes to start seeing loot or even zombies.

I know, is a pain in the ass but we need to find workarounds :)

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If you drive straight into town right up to the loot spawn nothing shows up. Make sure you're at least 30m away and give it about a minute. Once zombies spawn, that usually means loot has spawned as well.

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you need to get of the bike for zombz and loot to spawn. if there already are zombies when u enter a town on a vehicle you are 100% that there is an other survivor there.

I think it's crap nice to know if there are bandits or not when you want to loot somewhere.

One must take the good with the bad;)


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Get off bike at distance.

Wait for stuff to spawn.

Get back on bike and ride in and grab stuff.

Take off on bike, flip the bird to pursuing zombies.

Relatively similar to my typical fuel run.

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It's because you approached the town too fast. Zombies won't spawn until you dismount the bicycle and often only backpacks will spawn in supermarkets for example.

Simply park your bike at the supermarket, CROUCH run around 100m away from the building, then crouch run back and everything will spawn. This works for any building and vehicle. You need to aproach the building on foot at a slowish pace, crouch walking usually does it, this will trigger the loot spawn.

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yeah, as pple say here zeds/loot only spawn if you're on foot and as you're approaching, couldn't tell you the distance exactly.

Other thing i've found is if you go to a place that hasn't spawned loot in all loot spots, if you go and return you'll find loot on the empty spots.

Also heard that you have to clear a building with loot if you want new loot to appear.

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Distance is 300m to the object for zombies and loot to spawn and 300m to the zombie for them to despawn.

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I accidentally posted here, no grave digging intended.

But this happens with all the vehicles. Best thing is to park it at least 250m out of town.

Edited by Ken Bean

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