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DE 34 everyone got killed

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i was just playing on de34 when everyone got killed. after logging in again, u got killed instantly on spawning

here is the video of everyone getting killed


i cross-checked the names of the players that got killed with the ones wich where currently on the server...

the only ones not beeing killed (at least in the period while i was recording) where:




so maybe one of em was the one responsible...

i dont wanna acuse anyone, since i dont know the mechanics of HOW a hack works... but still, i think, at least my post wont hurt anyone

for the record:

* Server this happened on.

DE 34

* Time that it happened including your timezone.

about 13:30:00 UTC/GMT +1

* What happened during the incident.

moving/looting/playing in/around electro

by the way: funny story while this happened...

i spawned near electro, found some bodies and looted a kobra with magz, an akm, a alice pack, a wholelot of gear (matches, compas etc) from the bodies... i didnt wanted to press my luck, so i headed out of the town... but then i spotted an enterable building and thought what the heck, last building before i head north! inside i found a bodie with some stuff and a ghillie suit :D

i dressed up and headed north towards the wilderness not believing how damn lucky i was...

not far away from elektro, i wanted to check my inventory when i realized i only had a empty coyote backpack... i think it has been swaped when i took on the ghillie suit (or while looting the body) :(

that was really a shame cause i had alot of equipment in there like spare stuff (map, compas etc) and the early on found akm with couple of mags... with a tear running down my cheek i decided to forget about it and head north... but then i heard gunshots... loud ones...and they were near!

i decided to investigate it. not long after i saw a dude running from zeds, with a long rifle on his back, i aimed and shot him down... i went to the body and he had a as50! damn lucky i guess...^^

but the really weird thing was that he had MY EARLY LOST ALICE BACKPACK!

and it was definitly my backpack cause it had all the stuff inside i lost... i really freaked out and was giggling like a schoolgirl, what are the chances for that?! must have been my lucky day^^

well about 4 seconds later, everyone on the server got killed -.-

Edited by RedNoak

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