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Why are the AS50 and M107 in the game?

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The only problem I have with sniperrifles is that there is to god damn much of them. Zombie apocalypse and everyone is running around with .50 cal sniper rifles, nightvision and ghillie suits.. Yeah right.

More realism please.

Also they need to make spotting people in the distance harder, especially when in the bushes! And thermal has to go, or make it consume extreme amounts of battery power.

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Come on bro, this game is realistic. Don't you know that sitting around large cities firing incredibly loud guns at completely harmless survivors is your best chance for survival? I mean, if I were trying to survive a zombie apocalypse, the first thing I would do is grab my gun and go murder people for fun, it just makes sense.

Realism bro, that's what is comes down to.

If I were in a zombie apocalypse with everything I could possibly ever need and I had unlimited ammo and no conscience or morality, then I would shoot people for fun.

Because: nobody cares about pixels dieing. Ammo in dayz is unlimited if you know how. There is absolutely nothing to do once you get all the things you need so people make up their own fun things.

The only problem I have with sniperrifles is that there is to god damn much of them. Zombie apocalypse and everyone is running around with .50 cal sniper rifles, nightvision and ghillie suits.. Yeah right.

More realism please.

Also they need to make spotting people in the distance harder, especially when in the bushes! And thermal has to go, or make it consume extreme amounts of battery power.

Duping bro 95% of high end gear is duped, either by the person using it or by someone you picked it up from.

Edited by SillySil

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My exact point. You're dead before you know they're there.....

then you weren't being vigilant enough. learn to cover and conceal and don't take risks when scanning your environment

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...But people don't use them that way. How many times have you seen a .50 cal being used to take out a vehicle?

Yesterday. Our UH-1 shot down by some group with AS50's. BTW I never had issues with snipers. I go into Electra or Cherno after getting killed and dodge incomming 50's. I've even gone in to PvP in 3rd and 4th party fights. Sniper teams opposing each other,assault teams,noobs and us. Total mayhem. Total fun. The easiest to avoid where the snipers. The popup guys with 249's and M4 GL's were far harder to avoid. Give it time,you'll figure it out,learn and adapt or you'll just quit.

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People who sit on that roof in Cherno are dumbasses. However, walking into Cherno with gear like that and not scanning for snipers makes you a dumbass.

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Seriously, they should start banning people that cry on the forum over dying because of a sniper.

I could give you enough reasons why sniper rifles are usefull besides PvP

But let me put it to you this way.

If your only aim is to kill zombies in this game, why can't you just stick with a makarov.

Shoots fast, pretty acurate (not that it matters, zeds run up to you anyway), loads of ammo, etc, etc..

I mean really, it was one of the first things that I noticed when I started playing this mod.

All guns are nearly the same when it comes down to killing zeds, the only difference is the firerate really.

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lets be honest most (95% atleast) of players, who get the chance to lay their hands on a good sniper will do exactly this ---> Killing Survivors

ofc it is anoying sometimes, everyone i know got hit by a sniper out of nowhere atleast once, its just part of the game to avoid it.

and yes you can avoid it i get shot by ONLY good sniper or average ones with a lucky day ^^

the key is don't run uncovered in big citys dont run straight use Hooks stop n go etc if he missed first shot he never get you unless u do stupid things like going firewatch if u know a sniper is watching it. ^^

The only thing i hate and can't stand are snipers with no balls, logging off when spotted or once hit, just stay like a boss and fight xD

Edited by JadeQueen

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Saying the argument "stay out of a city" is quite....stupid? You're telling me i can't even enter a city in a game because people have obviously broken weapons that they probably hacked in in the first place. This isn't a "military" or "war" game. It is a zombie survival game. The fact that these weapons exist simply encourages player killing. IRL you wouldn't EVER pick up a sniper rifle and mow down other humans that walked into a city. We all understand that these cities are dangerous, but saying to not even dream of going into them because of people like this is absurd.

You can say that the argument of staying out of a city is stupid all you want but it doesn't change the fact that it is stupid going into a city if you don't want to die. If you still consider this to be stupid then please go walk into a city on a busy server. Tell me how it goes.

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Seriously, they should start banning people that cry on the forum over dying because of a sniper.

I could give you enough reasons why sniper rifles are usefull besides PvP

But let me put it to you this way.

If your only aim is to kill zombies in this game, why can't you just stick with a makarov.

Shoots fast, pretty acurate (not that it matters, zeds run up to you anyway), loads of ammo, etc, etc..

I mean really, it was one of the first things that I noticed when I started playing this mod.

All guns are nearly the same when it comes down to killing zeds, the only difference is the firerate really.

Because a makarov takes 4 shots to kill. I wouldn't be mad had I been killed by a weapon that takes more than one hit. I had absolutely no warning. There is no way anyone could have seen these two buffoons' foreheads sticking out of the top of this ~500ft building.

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Its a good point, Why do you need a snipe to fend off zombies, they are mainly used for player killing.

However snipers exist in real life and this game is going down that path.

Solution. Stay out of cherno and Eletro

this game is also a "social experiment" and a "survivor game". this game is so much better than your sniping arcade games. i bet the standalone will be different when it comes to kids lying on hills and rooftops 24/7.

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I had the following loadout:



Every tool

Coyote backpack with a M4A1 SD CCO

Guess how my friend and I met our demise?

Two snipers in ghillies sitting on top of an extremely tall building in cherno killing everyone that went to the fire station (and the rest of the city).

How much damage do each of their weapons do?

Over 34000. So it doesn't matter how much blood you have. They get an instant kill at any range while they remain untouchable, not even looting the people they kill.

Snipers don't belong in this game, no matter how many people think that sniping is "cool". Every game seems to be ruined by people like that. Snipers are only even in this game to one-hit-kill other survivors. They are impractical for any other purpose. So why are they even allowed? It takes no skill once the gun is zeroed. All it is is point and click. Even if I didn't have good gear, I would still feel cheated against. It is infuriating to see their stupid little ghillie heads barely sticking up knowing that there is nothing you can do except leave the game and let them continue killing innocent players until they get bored.

So you had end-game gear. And went to Electro. And expected not to die there.

Though you did die and now you complain about your own stupidity.

Sounds legit.

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There is no way anyone could have seen these two buffoons' foreheads sticking out of the top of this ~500ft building.

I would have. and so would anyone with an ounce of sense.

Areas of importance that should ALWAYS be scanned for enemies before entering an area.

1. tree lines.

2. skylines (tops of hills).

3. Rooftops.

please don't join any military forces.

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Nice argument, are you 12 or do you have brain cancer?

nice argument yourself, pointing only at how poor my argument is instead of posting something requiring brain cells

maybe look at my second post

or maybe look at how the OP is really whining about him getting killed

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it has a use its good for over watch and destroying vehicles and killing enemy snipers

in every fps ever someone has to bitch moan and cry over the sniper rifles but its not going to change anything no modern fps dosent have a sniper rifle

plus those players probabley wouldent last long sure if they saw you try to shoot them they would alt4 like a badass mother fucker but any other snipers could easyly kill them with one shot and they wouldent see it coming

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nice argument yourself, pointing only at how poor my argument is instead of posting something requiring brain cells

maybe look at my second post

or maybe look at how the OP is really whining about him getting killed

I've gotten over my death, I came to cherno looking for action, got insta killed without warning.

it has a use its good for over watch and destroying vehicles and killing enemy snipers

in every fps ever someone has to bitch moan and cry over the sniper rifles but its not going to change anything no modern fps dosent have a sniper rifle

plus those players probabley wouldent last long sure if they saw you try to shoot them they would alt4 like a badass mother fucker but any other snipers could easyly kill them with one shot and they wouldent see it coming

If they have a legacy of being hated and they are clearly misused and cheap, why on earth are they still in the game?

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QQ some more please

Troll somewhere else douchebag.

OT: +1 Mentioned a 1000 times, devs never done anything. There are still this ridiculous .50 cals ingame. Get rid off them finally!

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Troll somewhere else douchebag.

OT: +1 Mentioned a 1000 times, devs never done anything. There are still this ridiculous .50 cals ingame. Get rid off them finally!

they don't need removing. if you remove 50.cals then I want vehicles removed. why should I have to run when people get to drive?

same principal.

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Because a makarov takes 4 shots to kill. I wouldn't be mad had I been killed by a weapon that takes more than one hit. I had absolutely no warning. There is no way anyone could have seen these two buffoons' foreheads sticking out of the top of this ~500ft building.

Dude, get some skill.

Do you know how easy it is to put 4 bullets in someone's body with a makarov? Unless you like 500 yards away from him, it's not that damn hard.

Also I was talking about killing zombies and you replied with what I understand to be a PvP situation.

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you guys really need to learn how to play

this isnt any standart fps game, you cant just run in anywhere expecting to survive just because you have the "uber aiming skillz"

learn to scan your terrain first, ffs

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2 snipers.

In ghillies.

on top of a building?

if you can't kill 2 snipers in the WORST possible place in the world for a sniper in a ghillie. then you deserve every death you receive from them. they're obviously terribad and you can't even kill them. for shame

Did you just had a brainfart?

Edited by EnermaX

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Did you just had a brainfart?

at least he seems to have a brain...

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...But people don't use them that way. How many times have you seen a .50 cal being used to take out a vehicle?

Yes they do, I've taken out Urals,Buses, Cars just have to see a helo and that bitch is mine B). I've also had the helo I was in disabled by an AS50 round props to the sniper on that one :thumbsup:.

50.cals serve a good purpose in the game, and tbh you should have scoped cherno from the hills first before going in and you would have been able to take those two muppets on the easiest place to die in cherno out.

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Did you just had a brainfart?

Truth hurts though.

if 2 snipers in GHILLIES. on a BUILDING. managed to shoot you. then you sir are bad at the game and I pray for your country that you never join an armed force.

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they don't need removing. if you remove 50.cals then I want vehicles removed. why should I have to run when people get to drive?

same principal.

Any small arm can take down a vehicle and/or his passengers within a few seconds. We don't need fking .50 cals.

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