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†♦Bloodline Recruiting♦† [DayZ Clan / 18+ / TS / server]

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Clan Info:

Bloodline Is a new clan that owns Its own server and teamspeak. At the moment we are looking to recruit new members to our group.

We are a very active clan with 10-15 players at the moment. Honor, Loyalty, Respect that's our clan motto. We shoot on sight.

Timezone: (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)



mature attitude



Must speak fluent english

must be active (If your not so active or you play certain days let us know)


No Clan Killing

No stealing

No drama (If there is a problem between you and any other member Inform the Clan leaders)

If there are any questions feel free to msg me on the forums or on steam. Steam name: maddcorps



steam name:

how long have you played:


equipment you currently have:

Edited by sushirokun
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been playing for almost two months


nothing at the moment

accepted. you've been messaged B)

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Age: Gin

steam name: HotCakes

how long have you played: week, but I have been watching vidieos on this game for a long time, not a noob!

Timezone: EST

equipment you currently have: nothing on recuit, a akm 7 rounds, m9 3 rounds, 4 blood pacts, 4 morphine, 3 epi, 8 bandaids, and a few other things of junk or reg, hatchet and basics on vet, nothing on expert.

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Age: 19

steam name: Verex11

how long have you played: Over a month

Timezone: EST

equipment you currently have: Ghillie suit, Alice pack, m1911, FN FAL AN/PVS-4, AKS-74U, NVGs, Range Finder, Various medical supplies.

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Age: 25

Steam name: nefariousvex

how long have you played? about a month

Timezone: Central

Equipment you currently have: ak47

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Reclaimer or RECL4IM3R

5 months ish

East Coast

AKS-74 Kobra with 7 mags, g17 with 2 mags, food and drinks, camo clothing, basic stuff (watch, compass map etc) GPS and the good sized coyote bag.

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Age: 20

steam name: Kealtoast

how long have you played: about 3 days now

Timezone: CST

equipment you currently have: I died so nothing anymore

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steam name: zThompsonn

how long have you played: 3 weeks

Timezone: (EST -5)

equipment you currently have: MK Mod 0, some tools, food, and ammo]

Edited by Shortyy

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steam name:taylorm95

how long have you played: 3 to 4 weeks

Timezone: UTC +1

equipment you currently have:M24,M4 CCO,Glock 17,Backpack Coyote,Range Finder and NGV's,

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steam name: Asdzx17 (two accounts with that name, both are me, my ARMA account has the A7X deathbat for its picture)

how long have you played: going on 5 days? been doing lots of wilderness searching to learn the map.

Timezone: EST

equipment you currently have: none, just recently killed by a full clip of AK 47 to the face -.-

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Age: 20

steam name: AppearanceX

how long have you played: 3 months

Timezone: Mountain Time

equipment you currently have: M4, AS50, Med-supplies upon request, All tools (No radio), Ghillie, and Coyote backpack.

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steam name:Jpcdec

how long have you played: 2 weeks

Timezone: Est

equipment you currently have: ak, most of the toolbelt, med supplies

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Age: 21

steam name: Boothy84

how long have you played: Approximately 2 weeks.

Timezone: GMT

equipment you currently have: Just died so nothing at the moment, getting sick and tired of dying as a lone wolf. Would love a clan!

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Everyone above has been accepted and will be receiving an email soon on what to do next. hope to see you soon ;)

Age: Gin

steam name: HotCakes

how long have you played: week, but I have been watching vidieos on this game for a long time, not a noob!

Timezone: EST

equipment you currently have: nothing on recuit, a akm 7 rounds, m9 3 rounds, 4 blood pacts, 4 morphine, 3 epi, 8 bandaids, and a few other things of junk or reg, hatchet and basics on vet, nothing on expert.

^^^^^ You didnt get accepted because you forgot to put your age, please fix that and ill message you right away.

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Age: 20

steam name:Deadlypapercut

how long have you played: 2 months

Timezone: pacific

equipment you currently have: for now i have a m4a1 cco sd,and a coyote other gear is useless

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Age: 20

steam name: codie211

how long have you played: 1 month

Timezone: Mountain

equipment you currently have: Fresh spawn due to hacker.

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Age: 17 (i turn 18 in september :P )

Steam name: KBMOD||Jefflaflavor

About a month played


Nothing at the moment i recently died trying to loot the northern airstrip and didnt want to go back there

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Age: 22

steam name: davep1990

how long have you played: 3 weeks

Timezone: EST

equipment you currently have: AKM, Guile, other not note worthy

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Steam name: gnomebolt123

how long have you played?: 1 month

Timezone: EST

Equipment you currently have: Every tool in the game, MK 48 Mod 0 with five box mags, m16a4 ACOG with 5 mags, Ghille suit, Coyote backpack, PDW with two mags, m9 suppressed with one mag, blood bags, epi-pen, Morphine injectors, bandages. My partner who is 27 has the same exact loadout, only difference is he has an m14 aim and a AS-50.

​ additional info: I understand my age is not to your specifications, however I honestly can't stand playing with people my age as usually they are obnoxious idiots who can't grasp the way this game is mean't to be played (this isn't COD -__-). I am a very mature person which is why i'm currently playing with someone who is 27 and why both of our loadout's are high-end. However since he has work and can only play at night for a few hours it is hard to play with him a lot. So he has told me it would be a good idea for me to find a clan to play with since he can't be on during the day. I can be online almost anytime of the day as of right now because I decided to finish high-school through a online school, so I am able to finish all my work in the morning and be done by noon. I am not a socially awkward person, I just can't stand to be around people my age who are incredibly immature. Once last thing i am a very Tech savvy person, so I do things like build computers, graphical art, and video editing I use things like photo-shop and Sony Vegas Pro. I feel as age is just a number however I can understand why you won't want anyone under the age of 18, as most people that are, are not at the maturity level you wish to have your members at. However in my case I am not like this, so I would at least like an opportunity to play with your Clan. Thanks, and sorry if this is poorly written, it is 2 am in the morning.

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