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an innocent cow

Dirty admins... go loot them.

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So, found a small tent city with some friends of mine. Nice little setup, 7-8 tents, mostly all the guns in the game, 4-5 vehicles. We threw loads of loot into the ural and made off down the highway, laughing at our good success.

Then the server admin (BG Kyron and a passenger, nametags were turned on) passed us on his motorcycle, turned around, and started following us. When we say we were being followed, we stopped the truck and got out, then opened fire. He swerved off the road and into the trees. We waited 30-40 seconds, but they didn't come back. We got back in the truck and took off again...

Then the cheater reboot the server. Ok fine, whatever, roll with it. We rejoin the server and are instakicked. Then they password the server.

I submitted the admin abuse thingy a couple days ago and got no response, so I figured this would be a simpler way to get back at them.

US 790 by brethren gaming, coords approximately 139 025.

Edited by an innocent cow
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Consider it street justice!

Actually surprised more of this doesn't go on, unless my newness to the forums is leading to me not seeing it often.

Had a situation where some admins knew I looted their tents. Took some stuff, placed my old stuff [not completely crap] into their tents. Got a global 'so and so wants to kick me' message, but nothing more.

Found a tent at a spawn, went back, pitched it and filled it up with most of what I took from them, bar the as50 =).

The story is neither here nor there, but just goes to show some admins that are legit aren't going to have to deal with having their camp raped by the masses on a daily basis.

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i dont understand the point of playing without adversities. lots and lots of admins do that, they must be retards or something.

to me the only thing that makes the game fun is after gathering some shit and experiencing the thrill of surviving and the fear of the consequences. dying without good gear means nothing afterall.

Edited by white

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Just raped their base, took 2 random noobs with me I found on the coast. We took anything of value and used a tractor to *ahem* deal with the tents. Heads up to others- Tent city status: Raped.

Also- watch out for two noobs with DMRs, GPS and Ghillies running about that airbase. They seemed hellbent on "having fun". :D

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Just raped their base, took 2 random noobs with me I found on the coast. We took anything of value and used a tractor to *ahem* deal with the tents. Heads up to others- Tent city status: Raped.

Also- watch out for two noobs with DMRs, GPS and Ghillies running about that airbase. They seemed hellbent on "having fun". :D

If they reset the server, they get everything back :( you shouldnt, but somehow it does.

i got one of my camps found (3 tents) last week. it got flattened.

this week, i decided to go back and check, if mybe 1 of the tents had respawned (they should respawn empty, atleast wiki says so) as i needed one to make a new camp. everything had respawned, including the gear. Bit lame.

on my second camp, i had moved a tent 4 days ago and when i went back there, there was a tent in the old place and same tent in the new place. both had same gear. so basically server restart duplicated my tent + contents.

So basically, i can be accused of duping, even tho i didnt do so on purpose.

No wonder high end gear is soo common and maps/compasses are the new rare stuff :P

PS: im not the server admin of that server.

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