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Got Banned For Nothing!?!?!?

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I got on this morning and played for like 2 hours than went to work and when i got home i got global banned?

Someone please tell me whats going on and if their is a high rank person on these forums please tell them to read!

I REALLY WANT TO PLAY AND I DONT HACK, Hacking takes the fun away from the game and no fun.

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Sibling ? Friend? Maybe someone used your PC without you knowing and was running a hack engine in background or something? If you're victim of a ban for no reason (though that seems unlikely) this is not the place to complain/request unban, as it is BE who bans you, NOT DayZ admins

Global Bans don't get handed out for nothing....

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Sibling ? Friend? Maybe someone used your PC without you knowing and was running a hack engine in background or something? If you're victim of a ban for no reason (though that seems unlikely) this is not the place to complain/request unban, as it is BE who bans you, NOT DayZ admins

Global Bans don't get handed out for nothing....

Sibling ? Friend? Maybe someone used your PC without you knowing and was running a hack engine in background or something? If you're victim of a ban for no reason (though that seems unlikely) this is not the place to complain/request unban, as it is BE who bans you, NOT DayZ admins

Global Bans don't get handed out for nothing....

And when i went on this teamspeak another person got home from vacation and got the same thing....

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Sibling ? Friend? Maybe someone used your PC without you knowing and was running a hack engine in background or something? If you're victim of a ban for no reason (though that seems unlikely) this is not the place to complain/request unban, as it is BE who bans you, NOT DayZ admins

Global Bans don't get handed out for nothing....

Sibling ? Friend? Maybe someone used your PC without you knowing and was running a hack engine in background or something? If you're victim of a ban for no reason (though that seems unlikely) this is not the place to complain/request unban, as it is BE who bans you, NOT DayZ admins

Global Bans don't get handed out for nothing....

And when i went on this teamspeak another person got home from vacation and got the same thing....

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