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Tips To Protect Yourself From Hackers

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Your first, last, and only line of defense is to log off and find a new server. I know it's a really lame tactic, but it is your only weapon. Sure, not all hackers have godmode, but you aren't going to know that till you are dead. And even if you killed a hacker, he is just going to respawn, teleport to you and try to murder you again. They get their jollies harrasing you, so the best thing you can do is make them bored. Don't give in to their demands. Don't put on a show for them. You don't want to encourage them.

So the key is to identify a hacker before you are dead.

Things To Look Out For

1) Someone Being Recklace/Noisy With Good Gear

People who legitamitly find their gear, rarely run around Electro firing at every zombie, player, and building they see. People who started playing this week and scripted in some weapons, do.

2) Teleporter

If you are on a low pop server, say 10 or less and you start seeing kill messages every 20-40seconds, stay alert. The odds that those people just randomly ran into each other is rare. It is most likely a teleport hacker. They will port themselves to a player and kill them, then port to the next. Which brings us to our next tip...

3) Someone Who Suddenly Appears

If someone suddenly appears within 10 meters of you with a big gun, log out fast. Sure someone could just be logging in or lagging, but the odds of someone with decent gear logging out in a place other players might be is really low.

4) Battleye Keeps Trying To Kick/Ban the Same Name

Battleye can detect hackers, but for whatever reason sometimes seems unable to boot them. If you see someone get kicked/banned by Battleye and they are still in the server (press "P" to see players online), it means they are still lurking somewhere.

5) You Hear Strange Noises

Hackers will try to scare you by being invisible and killing zombies or opening and closing doors or playing spooky sounds over voice direct voice channel. Regular players very rarely goof around like that. Odds are you are being stalked by a hacker.

6) Zombies are Acting Weird

Zombies will still attack godmode and invisible players. If you see a zombie chasing nothing, or a pack of zombies attacking the air, there might be an invisible hacker near by. Even if they are invisible, it doesn't make them silent. Listen for noises from thin air.

7) Someone is Bleeding And Doesn't Care

Hackers can still bleed, it just doesn't deal them damage. They will often ignore that they are bleeding since it doesn't effect them at all.

Now none of these things are guarantees. It can be hard to tell who is a hacker, but trust your gut and get outta there! If you have any more tips, please post them below.

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We killed a hacker at NWAF, because a zombie chased and hit him while he was invisible, the air was bleeding!

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We killed a hacker at NWAF, because a zombie chased and hit him while he was invisible, the air was bleeding!


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1. I hear a voice behind me saying, "ooh thats a nice gun, L85", I hear the grass crunching under feet and scan for a survivor but there is none there, puffs of smoke tell me where he is from a silenced MP5 firing, about 10m from me. I unload into the empty space next thing I am shot to pieces. Funniest part: He says to me, "you fucking hacker," which is doubly hilarious because I picked the L85 up legit. This guy musta got upset cos he couldn't find a tent or a heli crash site and turned to haxoring.

2. I am on TS with a buddy, up around Petrovka, paranoid as hell because it is about 9pm local time but the server only has maybe 12 people on it. I hear something like a humming or a mumbling, I say, "you say something?" to my buddy, he replies in the negative, I log the fuck out. Funniest part: Screenshot the game takes when you log out shows a dude in camo uniform with a red beret on, carrying an AS50 TSW, right next to me, us literally side by side. I am still earning grey hairs.

Conclusion: Haxors are pathetic. I love when BE posts a Game Hack Ban. $30 down the drain sucker. Even better when it is a name I recognise and played on the same servers with many times.

Things To Look Out For

1) Someone Being Recklace/Noisy With Good Gear

People who legitamitly find their gear, rarely run around Electro firing at every zombie, player, and building they see. People who started playing this week and scripted in some weapons, do.

Since I found an MK 48, and someone stole all the vehicles I stole, I cannot resist climbing on top of stuff to lay waste to zombies. That guy in the ghillie doing that reckless stuff could be me! I am fed up with searching the wilderness for a bicycle or motorbike when all I can find are brightly coloured cars that go 10kmph off-road, easy come, easy go. I do miss the Ural I found at the spawn point tho! It took me hours to fix it. Why it bright blue? *sigh*

Be vigilant, be pure, behave!

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i have a hacker tip for you look out for impossible shots like an m9 at 300m if you see that sort of thing happen its a hacker

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