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Hacker kills 113 people Debug moniter screenshot

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My buddy stopped playing with this kid because he started hacking and he posted a screenshot of his debug monitor after he just wiped out an entire server.

Can you please ban him. He say that what he does is ok because he is making the game "easier" for his friends...

Thanks so much!


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Humanity... That hasn't been in the game for a while now.

I'm sure he would have changed his name since then... which would be 2+ months ago.

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lol hackers become bandits due to humanity hits from hack deaths?, lol does this mean the bandit skin also flags potential hackers, lolol makes it even more of a reason to hunt them now, might be a chance to get some revenge on hackers;)

Yes yes, I accept that not all bandits are hackers but it explains why I have seen so many people complain on the forums about having such a wickedly bad humanity, probably from their hacking dayz :).

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Ehhh... no. Humanity is BACK in the game now.

EDIT: sorry it was already mentioned

Edited by solidice

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Humanity... That hasn't been in the game for a while now.

I'm sure he would have changed his name since then... which would be 2+ months ago.

Have you looked at your debug monitor lately, or are you just not updating? Humanity was brought back Now I realize 6 Launcher is dumb and doesn't know how to automatically update, but I'm sure you can figure it out on your own.

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