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Hacker teleported me to the ocean

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As the title says, a hacker teleported everyone in the server to the ocean... I've been swimming for what seems like ages, but it doesn't feel like I've made any progress in my journey to dry land. I don't have broken legs, so I can't respawn.

What are my options here? Do I just leave the game on overnight with my W key stuck down? Can a DayZ Dev team member change my coordinates in the database, or just force me to respawn [player ID: 9606214]? (I was a very fresh spawn right before being teleported anyways.) Any benevolent hackers out there willing to help me get back to shore, or just kill me? (I hate to ask, but I know it's a possibility.)

Or, am I just out of luck?


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try to join server! when u get stuck on loading screen Alt+F4 then join server.

Repeat till you end up at the shore

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I feel sorry for you but I can't help but laugh at your misfortune.

Edited by smasht_AU

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had this happen when i first put on camo way back in the day. Just need to swim.

Took me like 30mins and land didnt look like it was getting closer until the last 5mins. Hold Shift to sprint swim, also double tap W might work as well.

When you get closer u can use the waves to help a lil.

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Lol this happened to me but the game reset my location next spawn in. I'd assume that you know which way shore is? You can just leave your game open in a 50 player server and hope for another teleport or a mass-kill.

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