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What if you wear a ghillie suit, and get the bandit ´´skin´´?

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Well, my exact question is.. ;

What would happen, if you're wearing a ghillie suit, and go hunting players, kill players.. so then your humanity is that low, that you're getting the bandit skin. Will you get the bandit skin or won't you?

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Well I would say what would happen is: You would wear your ghillie, hunt some players, lower your humanity then Battle eye will accuse you of duping weapons....

And no, there is NO bandit skin..........Wait, did I juest get trolled? I did didn't ?..

Edited by Toybox

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It will eat your Ghille suit.

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Battle eye doesnt even do that stuff afaik. I dont even think theres a punishment for duping weaps. Anyway back to the topic please

edit: Wow.. smasht D: How do you know btw?

Edited by Demaster13

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Well, my exact question is.. ;

What would happen, if you're wearing a ghillie suit, and go hunting players, kill players.. so then your humanity is that low, that you're getting the bandit skin. Will you get the bandit skin or won't you?

You'll get the bandit skin and it will rape your backpack.. including the fact if you don't keep going negative it'd go up and reset your pack again then if you switch to a new suit and your humanity gets reset to 0 (due to that being a glitch with switching skins) you'll lose your pack again when it decides to go up or down.

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Lame.. So at what -humanity level do you get the bandit skin?

Edited by Demaster13

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You wanna know what happens? Fuckin' nothing. I've currently got a ghillie on, have -18k humanity, and nothing has changed. Still got my pack, haven't lost anything. My mate had the same and died, but then spawned with the bandit headscarf on, so that might be what happens?

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Yeah after reading some similar topics, I´ve also discovered that your ghillie suit just stays on ;O

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