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Rocket, Please don't. (Dayz on Console).

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Couldn't care less if the PC version remains unaffected by the extreme level of durping down of the game required to suit the new player-base. Then again, adding two extra key-bindings to eat and drink in Left 4 Dead would probably be easier?

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I agree that DayZ wont be playable on console's and shouldn't be. 225km's is too much for a little console. Some can't even handle a BF3 map, now times that by like 10 and ask yourself if it will be possible. Plus consoles are for kids.

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It's well known fact that greed destroys everything beautifull (check how human race fucks up our planet in quest of making zillions).

If I am not mistaken, developing of DayZ was very cheap compared to AAA titles that cots like 100mil USD or so.

Because of this, there is no reason why DayZ team should not be content with having only PC version.

If they sell million copies of Dayz for lets say 20 EUR, isn't it enough?

They could also sell some kind of DLC in far future or even sequel, so there is a potential for future gains even if staying PC exclusive.

Also Bohemia Interactive was PC exclusive company and they managed to survive all these years making hardcore games that were too complex even for many PC players.

Stupid games like Call of Duty can be ported with ease, because those are simple games with small maps and shallow mechanics.

Do you really think that DayZ is the same case?

Edited by Hombre

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As it stands now, the mod doesn't have such a big complex gameplay mechanics, quite the contrary. The inventory/user interface is bad, as it takes numerous steps for you to put an item from the world in the backpack. God help you when you try to switch items from that to the pouches or vice versa. Sometimes they just disappear into nothingness. Dead Island in a way, does this more effectively and proves that up to some point, a UI designed with consoles in mind, can overcome some of the issues raised by the lack of a keyboard.

The best inventory/carrying capacity system was in Hidden and Dangerous 2 in my book.

But this is true only for the actual state of the game. What ideas Rocket has that will actually make it into the game, that remains a unknown variable. Consoles may handle it or they may not. It also depends if the gameplay will be centered to cater for a broader audience. That is the source of "don't do it on consoles" stance.

Edited by Calin Banc

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God, your grammar is horrendous. First things first: *their *an *unintelligent *graphical *affect *logical

Now, as for your punctuation and sentence structure...even worse. Learn to English.

As for your points, let's go down the list:

•Wrong, Xbox 360 and PS3 are on DX9. Yes, PC is on DX11, but that's not the point here.

•Wrong, BF3's framerate is 30fps with vertical sync for both consoles, and can be put in 720p if you have an HDTV.

•I wasn't saying COD is worth discussing. Ignore COD for now.

•Wrong, as not all game trailers are filmed on the pc. How would they film console exclusives?

•Wrong, PS3 is 6 years old, and both PS3 and Xbox 360 can run every game made nowadays. Proof that they are not outdated. Outdated wold mean that they cannot run it at all. And 100% + stronger doesn't make sense.

•Wrong, both Crysis 1 and 2 run well on Xbox and PS3, as will Crysis 3.

•Plenty of games have daily/monthly updates. Example: Halo Reach.

•Wrong, my statement is not wrong, and my statement is not unintelligent. You are.

•Wrong, toning down some features (which they aren't going to do) when putting DayZ on console has nothing to do with the PC version of DayZ. Useless point you have.

•Wrong, whether they have to build it from the ground up or not is not a matter of fact, it is rocket's decision, not yours.

•Wrong, the Xbox 720 is coming out Christmas 2013, and PS4 is coming out either end of this year or middle of next.

•Wrong, if DayZ doesn't expand, it will die. PC-only games die out quickly, unless they have a console port. The War Z will suffer a similar fate, because that will be a PC-only game. Name a PC-only game other than an MMORPG that is still popular today. DayZ is not an MMORPG, so do not even try to say that it is.

•Wrong, 2 years =/= <1 year

Every single one of your points is invalid. Please leave.

Not sure if retarded or trolling.

How fucking typical, start by criticizing grammar. You CAN understand what he is saying correct?

You seem to be one of those pseudo intellectuals who feels the need to ''correct'' every little mistake and spread piss everywhere about shit you really don't know anything about.

Some kind of animalistic marking need.

About everything in that post is absolute bullshit and you obviously have no fucking clue what you are talking about. Go back to dry humping your 360.

Edited by Mr. Nibblesworth
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I agree for the current generation of consoles. At the very least, they should wait until console hardware isn't as extremely outdated as it currently is.

My worst-case scenario is that Micro$oft buys off Bohemia to work on a 360 version as soon as possible, and we get a crappy console port. If they really insist on putting DayZ on the 360 (which I don't see working well at all), hopefully they will finish and flesh out the PC version, then port it to consoles.

Edited by Dark Link

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Don't put the standalone on console, any game that has been on only pc and then went to console turns into total horseshit almost every time, stick to your guns rocket, don't fuck over your fan base, or they'll fuck you. Look at WarZ, first they put up fake and miss leading gameplay, called the players faggots, copied the terms and conditions of LOL, game devs hacked in the game and now look what's happened, it's being deemed worst game of the year, cause they fucked over their fan base, I hope rocket puts that in perspective, look at all the games that could have been game of the year, and then because just 1 guy 1 group 1 action 1 anything from the makers of that game did something to fuck over the fan base, and look at them now. Rocket you said you couldn't have made it anywhere without us, well, you put this on console, and you won't make it 3 weeks, because then, you will be without us, A LOT of us. Think about it Rocket.

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I'm locking this thread, it's been necro'd from 3 months ago. Regarding DayZ on console, have a look at some of Rockets quotes on the subject and I'm sure you'll find them reassuring.

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