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Killed by Zombies? Why not respawn... as a Zombie?

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I think giving players the option to spawn as a Zombie would be great. It would definitely add a new dimension to the game.

I think hunting survivors as zombies would be incredibly fun. Also, it would allow player controlled zombies to roam wherever they wanted, so even forests and non zombie spawn areas could now be a threat.

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I think that's a great idea. Could be fun as a diversion between lives. Imagine surprising survivors in the most unexpected places. PC zeds would have to have a higher chance of a knockout punch than npc ones otherwise they wouldn't be any more of a threat.

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Hmmmm would need to be more. Like a special type of zombie. I would say basically a re skinned human with double speed and a remodeled axe.

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Play left4dead, you'd probably like it. It's a good game, I enjoyed it online.

As for putting it in Day-Z I don't think it would work. Day-Z has a more realistic feel to it and in reality, a zombie mindlessly feeds. A player wouldn't portray a zombie very well as mentioned above. They would try to tactically attack people.

As far as zombies not being a threat, that I do agree on. The stand alone needs to make the zombies more of a threat. Something to be feared. Have you second guessing whether it's worth firing your weapon and attracting every zombie within a certain radius.

Edit: I also wouldn't want a zombie to have a weapon. If anything increase their damage output or maybe have a certain chance of infecting you and you'd have to find antibiotics. Something like that.

Edited by Lights Out

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The problem with this is that it becomes to easy to exploit if you have a clan for example you could scout ahead etc. Also form what we know the 'zombies' in the game are living people infected with a virus not re-animated from the dead.

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Technicalities aside, I think PC zombies could be done well in this game. Obviously you would not have any extra abilities that differ from the Zombies already, except for making your own decisions. I also think it would be cool if all PC zombies had some sort of clothing piece like a red hat, so all Survivors would know they are controlled by a human.

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  On 8/15/2012 at 10:25 PM, Cpt.Vilja said:

Is this Counterstrike or what ?

Not sure I follow your reference? Can you spawn as Zombies in Counterstrike?

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If it wasn't player controlled, it would be awesome to one day, weeks after dying and acquiring a sniper rifle, looking through the scope, you see a zombie like version of yourself, look directly at you.....

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Been suggested many times before.

I feel as if it doesn't fit the style or the feeling of what Day Z is, a hardcore survival mod.

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