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Is it possible for AS50 with thermal scope to spawn in DayZ?

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I dont think my case fits in cheat reporting forum but I need to know this. While I was playing with my brother, two guys sniped him, but they didnt know that he wasnt alone. So I followed them and killed them both while they tried to bloodbag eachother.

I found some really godlike gear on them like: two NV ARs, Nv googles, rangefinders, two AS50, one with thermal, one normal, lots of ammo, supplies etc. I wasnt suprised at the first becasue it was not far from north airfield but later I checked wiki and I didnt see anything about AS50 with themal scopes. So now I wonder, were these guys hackers and they spawned items that cant be ingame otherwise or wiki just lacks some info. If this rifle was hacked into game, should I stop using it because I could get banned for it or battleeye wont see me as guilty party and it wont trace item origin?

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it definitely was spawned into the game and i would suggest dropping it, but i've read in a few places you can't get banned for using scripted items

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The thermal AS50 is scripted in, but you will not be punished for having it. Only the person who scripted it will, so enjoy it!

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Ok tnx, good to know. Still im suprised that I killed two hackers...now I know why they use hacks ...cuz they suck :D. My brother will be happy to hear that. Too bad I dont remember the names.

I hope that some admin wont go "ZOMG hacker with thermal" and ban me from the server...good that I have CZ as a backup.

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Yes, keep complaining about hackers while using hacked-in gear. I hate tose Jack the Ripper types too, but damn I'm happy all the hookers are gone from the streets.

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I've found quite a few AS 50 TWS on survivors. Either people just like cheating and spawn in awesome gear for themselves, or they're killing hackers to get them. Bet you can find a kid using one if you server hop the hills around elektro.

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Maybe, just maybe, they found them the same way you did, and when you die and someone gets it, they'll think you're a hacker.

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Maybe, just maybe, they found them the same way you did, and when you die and someone gets it, they'll think you're a hacker.

Someone isn't hacker blind.Miracle.

+ it used to spawn in the game, some long time ago, right? maybe, just maybe it's been passed down from one dead body to the other since then. Maybe it's actually legit :V

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Be wary of taking hacked items it may not be bannable but when I took an AS50 TWS I was trying to find a good server and in the process found out basically my whole inventory had been deleted.

No back pack, no tools (at all) and no guns. Only what was in my primary inventory section. Not touching another hackers body again...Learnt the hard way.

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Be wary of taking hacked items it may not be bannable but when I took an AS50 TWS I was trying to find a good server and in the process found out basically my whole inventory had been deleted.

No back pack, no tools (at all) and no guns. Only what was in my primary inventory section. Not touching another hackers body again...Learnt the hard way.

May have just been a glitch for you. Dev team are always confirming that players who pick up or use hacked items will suffer no concequences.

Why retain the CZ50 though? Two sniper rifles is a bit redundant unless the thermal scope is bugging you I suppose. Might be prudent to get yourself a silenced M4A1 if you can find one or some sort of assault rifle for mid-CQC.

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I think that the hacked weapons add a proper twist to the game. Limited amounts of them are out there, and its very interesting to fight and take them.

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Since they save character info on the hive servers, why don't they just run some code to go through and remove anything that shouldn't be in there? Whether you got the item by hacking or finding it on a hacker, it still gives an unfair advantage to that player that all the other players don't get and should be immediately dropped!

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why the fuck ppl don't check the wiki for this crap

Expecting someone on these forums to think before they post, use the search engine or search for anything. Oh you!

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Every guy i kill using hacked gear gets banned where i am admin.. Better safe than sorry.

then ur a f**kin f*g who cares if its hacked in get ur own dont be a hater if he dident spawn it in he has no fault he might be useing it but dosent mean he can shoot same thing goes for l85 aws u can still kill a fu**er before he sees u

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Since they save character info on the hive servers, why don't they just run some code to go through and remove anything that shouldn't be in there? Whether you got the item by hacking or finding it on a hacker, it still gives an unfair advantage to that player that all the other players don't get and should be immediately dropped!

It's probably not possible but it'd be pretty hilarious if script spawned weapons could be made to self destruct when fired, taking the owner out with it.

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then ur a f**kin f*g who cares if its hacked in get ur own dont be a hater if he dident spawn it in he has no fault he might be useing it but dosent mean he can shoot same thing goes for l85 aws u can still kill a fu**er before he sees u

He's not a hater, he's just not a hypocrite like those who use hacked gear. If you complain against hackers/cheaters but use hacked stuff, you are a hypocrite, simple as that. And don't come complain here if a hacker teleports you to your death, you're obviously ok with them as soon as you get cool gear because of them.

Edited by daskleineviech
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then ur a f**kin f*g who cares if its hacked in get ur own dont be a hater if he dident spawn it in he has no fault he might be useing it but dosent mean he can shoot same thing goes for l85 aws u can still kill a fu**er before he sees u

See, the guy he picked up the weapon from might have had the same thoughts: "Oh, it's a hacked weapon, but using it won't lead to a ban, so I keep it!" But now he is assumed to be a hacker.

Maybe you understand this example: If you steal from a thief, it still will get you in prison if you get caught. Or a hacker, who does not spawn a single item or use any of them, will still be banned.

What you are basically saying is, that if a hacker spawns some Apache helicopters into DayZ, all users of them but the hacker himself are doing the right thing when they fly around and cause havoc. Think again. ;)

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He's not a hater, he's just not a hypocrite like those who use hacked gear. If you complain against hackers/cheaters but use hacked stuff, you are a hypocrite, simple as that. And don't come complain here if a hacker teleports you to your death, you're obviously ok with them as soon as you get cool gear because of them.

and what If you don't know you're using hacked gear? say the script kiddie hacks in some stuff that is already in game, puts it in a tent,. and then you find it?

sup now mr morally superior?

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That was never the question, was it? He knows, and thinks it is ok to use it. :)

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and what If you don't know you're using hacked gear? say the script kiddie hacks in some stuff that is already in game, puts it in a tent,. and then you find it?

sup now mr morally superior?

Do you know what the word "hypocrite" means? Beeing hypocritical means that you are aware of the fact that you do something you blame other people for doing, which obviously is not the case with standard DayZ weapons.

That was never the question, was it? He knows, and thinks it is ok to use it. :)

And you, Sir, just got some beans. Enjoy!

Edited by daskleineviech

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He's not a hater, he's just not a hypocrite like those who use hacked gear. If you complain against hackers/cheaters but use hacked stuff, you are a hypocrite, simple as that. And don't come complain here if a hacker teleports you to your death, you're obviously ok with them as soon as you get cool gear because of them.

honestly thayre just scripters when this moves to a standalone whenre 90% of armaII is scripted and all admin commands are scripts this will happen and honestly if a hacker nukes a town i could care less dont take long to find equipement the only thing id be depressed about is my nvgs but everything is replaceable my friend so buck up and suck it up and play the game oooo he has a thermal as50 whoopty dooooooooo shoot em before he shoots you or learn to hide when u decide to sit out in the open like a tard keep moveing dont go afk get a life go QQ somewhere else its a game its ALPHA if ur server dont have round the clock admins GTFO and find one that does day 25 merc server hero medic GET SOME!!!

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