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Server rules, not allowed to lie?

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Just was at DE7.

In the rules they do not allow people to lie about their intentions.

Rule: Do not lie about being friendly!

What the hell? That seems like putting "unwanted" mechanics into the game, lying and deciveing people is a bandits greatest asset, besides snipers.

If people can't handle being lied to... Ohh i could go into very big rants about that.

I am not asking for it to be changed, I will simply not play there, or not care about that rule at all... LOL

But it seems against the spirit of the mod. So I guess i am the annoing taddle tale against the DE7 host, sorry bro

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Yeah, that really does seem to against the scope of the game. Lying is one of the biggest elements in the game.

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And it also seems like they "hid" the rule, it doesn't show up right away, happens periodicaly, so you might get kicked for a rule you didn't manage to see if you lie to fast

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