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How is he not dead [video]

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Looks like only your last 2 shots made contact. I didn't see any blood plsatter from the 1st too. Also, I've heard that there's a few seconds between when they're shot and when they die, so it's very possible he could have killed you. However, he should have died as well. I suppose he could have alt-f4'd right after shooting you and his body lagged out for a moment.

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he lagged

he killed you before you started shooting

you hit him only twice

your hits didnt counted because you have already been dead at the moment you shoot him

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Regardless of the video (I didn't watch it) it's well known there are cheats to do this in DayZ already, it's nothing new and cannot be addresed until standalone, you can either continue testing the alpha knowing you are likely to run in to these cheaters or stop playing until the full standalone version is released.

Edited by smasht_AU

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he lagged

he killed you before you started shooting

you hit him only twice

your hits didnt counted because you have already been dead at the moment you shoot him

someone with common sense

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he lagged

he killed you before you started shooting

you hit him only twice

your hits didnt counted because you have already been dead at the moment you shoot him

Everyone knows that bullets disappear and do no damage after the player dies. /sarcasm

Bullets are bullets, they do damage even after your player has died, this is a mil sim not some lame FPS game.

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Everyone knows that bullets disappear and do no damage after the player dies. /sarcasm

Bullets are bullets, they do damage even after your player has died, this is a mil sim not some lame FPS game.

the guy with the AS50 wasnt standing where he looked like he was

since he lags that bad he was somewhere else; but the output from the server still showed him standing there

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the guy with the AS50 wasnt standing where he looked like he was

since he lags that bad he was somewhere else; but the output from the server still showed him standing there

Hit detection is client side, lag has nothing to do with where the other player is on the server or his client. All that matters is that the player (op) hit the other guy which should have killed him.

Edited by icomrade

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Hit detection is client side, lag has nothing to do with where the other player is on the server or his client. All that matters is that the player (op) hit the other guy which should have killed him.

yes exactly

other guy: walks up shoots the OP (notice the how he goes up the stairs multiple times)

server: okay you killed OP

server: you just got shot 2-4 times

other guy: i wasnt there and never got shot. infact that guy is already dead

server: oh okay

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yes exactly

other guy: walks up shoots the OP (notice the how he goes up the stairs multiple times)

server: okay you killed OP

server: you just got shot 2-4 times

other guy: i wasnt there and never got shot. infact that guy is already dead

server: oh okay

When I say hit detection is client side, I mean that everything besides player location and AI/calculations is controlled by the player. The fact that the OP hit the other player is enough to count, the server does not care where you actually are on your screen or on the server, in other words, actual timing and actual location on another player's game have almost nothing to do with hit detection.

As long as you land a shot it will count, regardless of player location or if you are still alive on the server.

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When I say hit detection is client side, I mean that everything besides player location and AI/calculations is controlled by the player. The fact that the OP hit the other player is enough to count, the server does not care where you actually are on your screen or on the server, in other words, actual timing and actual location on another player's game have almost nothing to do with hit detection.

As long as you land a shot it will count, regardless of player location or if you are still alive on the server.


and the server had the choice of accepting the OP bullets hitting, or the laggers side that he never got hit.

apparently the lagger came out ahead in the servers choice (he cant dodge and get hit)

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When I say hit detection is client side, I mean that everything besides player location and AI/calculations is controlled by the player. The fact that the OP hit the other player is enough to count, the server does not care where you actually are on your screen or on the server, in other words, actual timing and actual location on another player's game have almost nothing to do with hit detection.

As long as you land a shot it will count, regardless of player location or if you are still alive on the server.

^^ This is how it works. You can kill anyone provided you hit him in your view. It doesn't matter if he is lagged out or where he is.

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and the server had the choice of accepting the OP bullets hitting, or the laggers side that he never got hit.

apparently the lagger came out ahead in the servers choice (he cant dodge and get hit)

The server has no choice of accepting a hit or not, it also has no choice in determining whether you fired or not. The only thing that would make a difference is a players latency to a server, not that it effects hit detection, just that it will delay the hit from registering (it will hit, just takes longer to register on the server).

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he lagged

he killed you before you started shooting

you hit him only twice

your hits didnt counted because you have already been dead at the moment you shoot him

This. You saw that he warped back, on his screen he probably turned and shot you at the latest point you see him warp back.

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This. You saw that he warped back, on his screen he probably turned and shot you at the latest point you see him warp back.

For the love of god read the rest of the thread...

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There's alot of variables (regardless of the method of hit detection), so I wouldn't be so hasty to scream hacker.

Regardless of client/server hit detection, latency is still a factor. Your client still has to send that info to the server, as does the other player. And the dude was obviously having some issues as he warped back down the steps and came up again, which didn't happen on his screen. As was mentioned he probably shot you first on his screen. Don't reply before reading the next statement...

I'm not doubting that your info is correct icomrade, but do you have a legit source to backup your claims? More specifically that a hit is a hit is a hit. Are you certain the server doesn't discard information if the timestamp from one player is earlier than the others? I.e. on OP's screen the guy warps back down the steps, comes up and OP shoots him, then the packet is sent to the server. On the other guys screen he walks up the stairs fluidly and sees OP and shoots first, and his is timestamped earlier so the server discards the registered hits from OP. NOT stating this is fact, I'm asking for a more reliable source rather than pure anecdotal evidence or conjecture

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There's alot of variables (regardless of the method of hit detection), so I wouldn't be so hasty to scream hacker.

Regardless of client/server hit detection, latency is still a factor. Your client still has to send that info to the server, as does the other player. And the dude was obviously having some issues as he warped back down the steps and came up again, which didn't happen on his screen. As was mentioned he probably shot you first on his screen. Don't reply before reading the next statement...

I'm not doubting that your info is correct icomrade, but do you have a legit source to backup your claims? More specifically that a hit is a hit is a hit. Are you certain the server doesn't discard information if the timestamp from one player is earlier than the others? I.e. on OP's screen the guy warps back down the steps, comes up and OP shoots him, then the packet is sent to the server. On the other guys screen he walks up the stairs fluidly and sees OP and shoots first, and his is timestamped earlier so the server discards the registered hits from OP. NOT stating this is fact, I'm asking for a more reliable source rather than pure anecdotal evidence or conjecture

The game is a military sim, server-side hit detection would not only make no sense it would cause a situation delay in any actions in the game. For example, in RL when you shoot someone you hit them where they are in relation to you, not where they are in relation to a server (because there is no server in RL); Creating server-side hit detection would be more secure but would create inaccuracies in combat. In other words when you see an enemy you should be able to shoot them no matter if the server has the client in the same location as you, like real life.

Other than that I have this: If a player removes all of his trees, buildings and such, that player will be able to shoot you through where the trees actually are for you. Also, health is set client-side and modified server-side, this is why a script like (vehicle player) allowDamage false; works; the server will try to update the players health but the player returns that he/she is not damageable (This does not work in DayZ). In addition to this, weapon damage may also be modified, using a multiplier, with scripts, this will not change it for everyone.

In addition to this, locations of tents, players and vehicle are sent in encrypted packets to the client. This is why your location and your thing's location can be read without a script.

Note: I cannot list my sources as they include instructions and downloads of hacks, you may find them very easily with Google.

Edited by icomrade

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The real lesson to be learned here is to always ready your weapon when you climb down a ladder. I can hear your panic when you couldn't aim in. Furious mouse clicks LOL.

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