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Oooh never seen a dog before :P . Rocket is doing a amazing job!!! :beans:

Edited by Johan19

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I can only imagine the fun scripters are going to have with this. Spawn the entire server onto hostile dog island.

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This is cool and all for pet lovers, but... Can you shoot it?

I mean, it's just what we need, another method for a sniper to spot survivors from the tree lines....

Sniper, "Oooo, a dog, there's a survivor around someplace! There he is!" BLAM! "Thanks pup!"

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I can only imagine the fun scripters are going to have with this. Spawn the entire server onto hostile dog island.

Yes but if they had that mentality for everything they couldn't add anything. They can only do what we can do ignore them.

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Still waiting to find out how many steaks we get from them.

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wtf does it do?


I love that we can get dogs, but i have now seen several videos of a survivor whistling to get the dog to track, stay and run. When it started tracking, it just ran into the forest, and sat down. What the hell was it tracking?

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I love that we can get dogs, but i have now seen several videos of a survivor whistling to get the dog to track, stay and run. When it started tracking, it just ran into the forest, and sat down. What the hell was it tracking?


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but there were not any animals in the forest. it was just in the middle of the forest.. I get if it is meant to track animals, but that wasnt what they showed in the vid. Thats why i ask (:

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Swwweeeeeeeet! I'm gonna call mine Benjie. I'm looking forward to see how the tracking works.

Edited by Fraggle

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could be interesting, it would be cool if you could send it into town and it brings back one item

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Yea supposed to be released after gamescom. Which I think is going on right now.

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