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KOS will always be a "problem" and this is why

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You're hanging around Cherno. So, who cares. Elektro and Cherno are shoot on sight locations. There is no reason to ever go there with dreams of making friends.

But you guys should leave that mentality at the city limits.

See, this is the problem with some of you guys. You can't imagine the game outside of those locations and seem to think this game is really just another deathmatch game but with a really big map. Playing this game like any other shooter is fine but don't moan when people bitch about getting mowed down by a guy with an AS50 when they had nothing at all. Too many unarmed noobs are getting killed by geared up assholes thinking they're playing CoD. That's the problem. Half of you murderers wouldn't bother playing this game if these encounters were level.

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You call your self a sheriff, yet you kill innocent people who may be looking for protection or even a group...... you don't deserve the title

My thoughts exactly. I think we found the 'problem' right here. If you were actually a qualified sheriff you would not KOS. I know and fully understand that as 'sheriff' you will need to kill people but kos not a sheriff. Stop pretending you are RPing a sheriff and just admit your a bandit.

Here are just a few simple suggestions if you want to actually pretend to be someone other than a bandit.

Try not showing yourself to unknowns. That way they can't just shoot you in the face when you ask if they are friendly. Tell them not to point their gun at you or any of your other bandit friends. Tell them how to lower their gun. Tell them to take out their pistol. Tell them to drop weapons. Tell them the situation in town.

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i agree , iv on;ly played this game a few weeks and when i first started i tryed that friendly bullshit and tryed to find a group of friends but all it did was get me killed,so now i kill everyone and every thing i see its the only way i can get geard or doing anything realy , cause i dont have any real life friends that play the game so im always fucked,fuck friendly i want nvg too assholes suck my beans !!!!!! :P

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i agree , iv on;ly played this game a few weeks and when i first started i tryed that friendly bullshit and tryed to find a group of friends but all it did was get me killed,so now i kill everyone and every thing i see its the only way i can get geard or doing anything realy , cause i dont have any real life friends that play the game so im always fucked,fuck friendly i want nvg too assholes suck my beans !!!!!! :P

There are online dayz clans you can join.

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Look at Somalia. They've been without a government since 1991 and pirates have taken over.

There will always be parasites, and where parasites outnumber honest people society fails, just as other systems in nature, as a counter-example look at Fukushima, or as a combination of the two New Orleans. In Fukushima there was an overwhelming response, volunteers working around the clock in zones that were still hot, survivors being pulled from the debris and the water. In New Orleans you had looting, but you also had people salvaging boats to pull people off rooftops, setting up temporary camps until FEMA got off its ass.

The point I'm trying to make is even when it seems like the end of the world, savagery is not the default.

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See, I still haven't figured out a good safe way to contact people. I get more of a rush safely finding and helping people then I do hunting. In time, I would like to play more like your style, but as of now I'm holding it down in Cherno.

We generally fire warning shots or non-fatal wounds to anyone getting close to our base. We have some excelent snipers and a very active group. Most of the time its just people stumbling in, we send em packing, sometimes limping. But the bandit skins and peristant humanity stat has really helped prevent obvious bandit infiltration which has been nice.

Its just more fun to take the risk than it is to shoot first imo. Plus that is the way our clan operates. We strive to have a fun and exciting server, not one where people dont want to play because they have to worry about a decent size clan mowing them down any time they come out of the woods.

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The point I'm trying to make is even when it seems like the end of the world, savagery is not the default.

I agree. The 'end of the world' does not make people do inhuman acts. We have plenty of proof of that today and many would say we are not at the 'end of the world'.

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There will always be parasites, and where parasites outnumber honest people society fails, just as other systems in nature, as a counter-example look at Fukushima, or as a combination of the two New Orleans. In Fukushima there was an overwhelming response, volunteers working around the clock in zones that were still hot, survivors being pulled from the debris and the water. In New Orleans you had looting, but you also had people salvaging boats to pull people off rooftops, setting up temporary camps until FEMA got off its ass.

The point I'm trying to make is even when it seems like the end of the world, savagery is not the default.

Neither of your examples or any example you can bring to the table fits into this game. Our world is Chernarus, there is no governemnt. There is no neighboring government. There is no NATO, There is no UN. Its just you and the other guys. Tell me who is bringing your relief effort? No one. Now explain to me who the guy you dont know standing next to you who hasnt eaten for a week gives a flying fuck about your moral high ground? Or the guy whos child is dying of dehydration wants to make friends so he can barter water off of you?

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I have no what you are talking about. But it is pretty obvious you ate new here. So let me educate you. The problem of KOS isn't that a small group of RP sheriff scrubs kill everyone they see. Its that every one kills everyone. This was not a problem back when there was the bandit skin, survivors generally worked together did not kill on sight and would actively hunt bandits. If a survivor did kill a another survivor they became a bandit and would be hunted. Playing a bandit was risky because so many people would KOS you. Where aa survivor would be asked if hewas friendly or not and more oftenthan not he was.

A little clan that no one cares about is not the issue.

You're not for real with that post are you? You think I don't understand that? You've missed the point of the post, but uhh, hey, thanks for the education... lol

give us the name of the server, or are you scared

I would, but I don't own the server nor do I play under this name. Also don't believe what you read on the interwebs. I may or may not have changed some of the names and locations in my post. I'm not as new as the fool above you thinks lol.

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Damn, are people still on KoS's nuts?!?

video game + anonymity + full loot/openworld + pvp + weapons = ?

The only game mechanic that will alleviate this is if they disable Friendly Fire on non-bandits but fortunately (for the majority of us) this is not that kind of game. There are plenty of other games out there that have Team Deathmatch game modes.

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KOS isn't a 'problem'.. it's part of DayZ and always will be, it's how people react when they see other people in an apocalypse.

Brilliant! Nothing to add to that.

You're not factoring in the playing experience of those without a clan or large group. Obviously it's not a problem for you, because you have back up. Even if you die, I'm sure a lot of people have contributed to your camps to restock on gear and weapons without having to take the same risks that solo players and small groups deal with. I'm not knocking your play style, but why try speak for the community that there isn't a problem with KOS when your play style rarely encounters it? It's a valid complaint, but still part of the game. Only the community can change it, so if there are a lot of turds playing the game, a lot of people just trying to find a coke and can of beans is going to get a NW airfield's trip worth of AS50 bullets put into their back.

See what I am saying is this, as of now my group is KoS. and that means the dev team can make any type of update they want to balance the humanity thing, I'm still going to shoot non team members on sight, and I know a lot of other people will too. Clearly you're a level headed adult and we can speak like that to each other. The group that I play with I meet in a random server and they took pity on me and didn't KoS oddly enough. I would much rather play that style but its just too hard. Too many times the players don't respond back and I kill them.

I prefer to play as a friendly but as of now is too much work for me.

My thoughts exactly. I think we found the 'problem' right here. If you were actually a qualified sheriff you would not KOS. I know and fully understand that as 'sheriff' you will need to kill people but kos not a sheriff. Stop pretending you are RPing a sheriff and just admit your a bandit.

Here are just a few simple suggestions if you want to actually pretend to be someone other than a bandit.

Try not showing yourself to unknowns. That way they can't just shoot you in the face when you ask if they are friendly. Tell them not to point their gun at you or any of your other bandit friends. Tell them how to lower their gun. Tell them to take out their pistol. Tell them to drop weapons. Tell them the situation in town.

Clearly you misread, I said I act as Sheriff for my TEAM MEMBERS. Therefor you, Chiefmasterkush, would be killed because you're not part of the team, understand? Also, as a heads up, I've yet to wear a bandit skin so don't butt hurt too much, i'm really not a bandit.

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Neither of your examples or any example you can bring to the table fits into this game. Our world is Chernarus, there is no governemnt. There is no neighboring government. There is no NATO, There is no UN. Its just you and the other guys. Tell me who is bringing your relief effort? No one. Now explain to me who the guy you dont know standing next to you who hasnt eaten for a week gives a flying fuck about your moral high ground? Or the guy whos child is dying of dehydration wants to make friends so he can barter water off of you?

Irrespective of the specific geopolitcs, biology will almost always favor the mutualist. Even when the government is gone, even when there's nothing, the people who survive are the ones who work together. Humans evolved as a pack animal, it's what we are even today.

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The point I'm trying to make is even when it seems like the end of the world, savagery is not the default.

Exactly, and even when it does turn into savagery it's rarely the "I'm going to kill everyone I see." variety we see on the internet, even in places like Somalia. If for no other reason than the people who do that tend to have a fairly short life expectancy and they don't get to respawn. Face it kids DayZ is not an accurate predictor of human interactions.

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Irrespective of the specific geopolitcs, biology will almost always favor the mutualist. Even when the government is gone, even when there's nothing, the people who survive are the ones who work together. Humans evolved as a pack animal, it's what we are even today.

Yes, but then again this is a video game...

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Yes, but then again this is a video game...

True or false creation bears the mark of the creator. Dumb it down if you like but a product of human imagination speaks to the human condition. DayZ and the internet in general seem to say that when the lights are out people are bastards. Obviously a consequence free environment is unrealistic, but disregarding consequences is not, so it is an interesting commentary, at least from an anthropological perspective.

Edited by sp86

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KOS isn't a 'problem'.. it's part of DayZ and always will be, it's how people react when they see other people in an apocalypse.

Brilliant! Nothing to add to that.

What about the fact that you clearly think there is a "problem"? You don't want to add that?

I prefer to play as a friendly but as of now is too much work for me.

It's too bad this game isn't easier or more forgiving.

Clearly you misread, I said I act as Sheriff for my TEAM MEMBERS. Therefor you, Chiefmasterkush, would be killed because you're not part of the team, understand? Also, as a heads up, I've yet to wear a bandit skin so don't butt hurt too much, i'm really not a bandit.

I think you misunderstand what "Sheriff" or law enforcement of any kind means. But I didn't really expect you to so its okay.

You are a bandit, does not matter if you die before you can get a "skin". Does not matter what you try to call yourself, you are a bandit. I never said that was a bad thing. It's your play style and you're more than welcome to play how you like, that's whats so great about DayZ.

Also, if you want to duel in game, feel free to tell me your server and where you are all camped out in a defended area and I will be happy to try and break those defenses.

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Hey, would you mind giving me the server name? By DMR is a bit *cough* rusty *cough*.


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Also, if you want to duel in game, feel free to tell me your server and where you are all camped out in a defended area and I will be happy to try and break those defenses.

He didn't mention an exception for medics so I'll help just on principal.

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He didn't mention an exception for medics so I'll help just on principal.

And he will shoot you for his principals and think that makes him a LEO.

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Irrespective of the specific geopolitcs, biology will almost always favor the mutualist. Even when the government is gone, even when there's nothing, the people who survive are the ones who work together. Humans evolved as a pack animal, it's what we are even today.

That is what we would like to believe, but it simply isnt true. There have been so many studies that prove when driven to the basic instinct to survive, self preservation is above all else. I cant convince you if you believe differently, so I will agree to disagree.

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