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need to know if this is cheating

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Is this line of code mean the person spawned a vechile?

16.08.2012 09:15:42: Robbie (****************) GUID - #20 "

if (isServer) then {

_dsasadsa = createVehicle ['hilux1_civil_1_open', [9054.57, 2299.2, 0], [], 0"

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Yes he spawned a vehicle. Ban him.

Edited by smasht_AU

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lol just this morning i have like 3 or 4 more of those from different people, i will post the evidence and with date and times in this thread then ban for the record, WE CAN TAKE A STAND AGAINST HACKERS/SCRIPTERS

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im admin of US 1598, so i will be posting all the scripts i found run on the server, through the logs.

16.08.2012 09:23:24: Timmy (IP REMOVED) 26f096b60888573c08b345c297631360 - #20 "

if (isServer) then {

_dsasadsa = createVehicle ['hilux1_civil_1_open', [9054.57, 2299.2, 0], [], 0"

16.08.2012 09:22:11: Luke (IP REMOVED) 4973b10ff7dc20f2c99dc90a1bf684aa - #20 "

if (isServer) then {

_dsasadsa = createVehicle ['hilux1_civil_1_open', [9054.57, 2299.2, 0], [], 0"

16.08.2012 09:21:04: Maestro (IP REMOVED) 8d93e78865bd367a4e4b99483fe3623e - #20 "

if (isServer) then {

16.08.2012 09:21:02: Isaiah (IP REMOVED) b37baea9566da4e885f1433390a1185c - #106 "Z_Backpack_EP1';

(Unitbackpack player) addWeaponCargo ['M4A1_AIM_SD_camo', 1];


_dsasadsa = createVehicle ['hilux1_civil_1_open', [9054.57, 2299.2, 0], [], 0"

16.08.2012 09:20:57: Torquem (IP REMOVED) 371a27fda27ca4012e4618f0b256ce20 - #131 "removeAllWeapons player;

player addWeapon 'BAF_AS50_Scoped';

player addMagazine '5Rnd_127x"

16.08.2012 09:20:56: MikeHawk (IP REMOVED) 1a7e97f7e478c23c8615e286c9bef859 - #20 "

if (isServer) then {

_dsasadsa = createVehicle ['hilux1_civil_1_open', [9054.57, 2299.2, 0], [], 0"

please let me know if this not considered cheating from the developers. i will keep everyone up to date

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I'm not sure how the mod works exactly but as someone who has made many arma missions I know what those commands do. I don't see any reason those should be being run by the client, ever. The server spawns all vehicles and weapons in the game. The mod may be running the weapon one to move it to the backpack. Not sure on that one. Good work! Glad you're putting in the effort.

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I can't be 100% certain as I'm not flawless with scripts myself, but those all look like blacklisted scripts to me that are ban worthy. Wait until someone else chimes in, but as far as createvehicle goes, yes... they were spawning in vehicles. Addweaponcargo looks to me like they gave themselves weapons, at least the case with that M4A1 CCO SD which is a hacker favorite as far as legit weapons go. If he's spawning in the vehicle, then I'd be flabbergasted if they weren't spawning in those weapons for themselves. Ban them on the vehicle script. That's enough on it's own.

The torquem guy looks suspcious. Removes all weapons and then adds an AS50 and nato ammunition. I'd throw a temp ban on that guy until someone official can chime in and say whether or not that was the right call, and then remove it if necessary and if it is indeed bullshit, change the temp ban into permanent. That's just what I'd do. Don't take my word on it alone.

Edited by KField86

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