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Direct chat range?

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Hi all,

Ran across a downed chopper this morning and there was a FN-FAL NVS, FN FAL and an M14 - i took the FAL ammo for my tent and then posted in direct chat the location of the downed chopper and the gear that was left (basically i only needed the ammo).

My question is - Is direct chat visible to everyone on the server or is it only those in range like mic speech?

I'm not really a bandit or a hero... just taking each day as it comes, but if i find a chopper i'd like to let people know - if only so i can sit on a hill and watch them fight over the gear lol

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Direct chat has a range, I'm assuming its about 20 meters like the ingame voice chat. I've heard the voice chat is going to be bumped up to 40 meters though.

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Shame - would be sweet if they added it so if you had the radio you could broadcast to everyone or something - seemed a shame to leave rare gear like the FN FAL NVS lying on the ground ;-)

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40m and 80m

One is for text the other voice, can't remember which was which though

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Shame - would be sweet if they added it so if you had the radio you could broadcast to everyone or something - seemed a shame to leave rare gear like the FN FAL NVS lying on the ground ;-)

Used to have global chat and it was so damn annoying lol damn little kids screaming insults or playing music -_- thank god for mute button lol


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think you can mark it on a map though, and at least other people with maps would know...

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