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Unconventional Weapons: Non-Lethals, Homemade and more

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Hmm I missed this thread in my search.

I posted some of my idea's for less then lethal weapons. I'll just repost that here and say I love some of the other idea's I've read here.

"Hear me out.

Have you come across a survivor with a gun you'd rather not take a chance with but still would rather not kill? I've met plenty and I usually either die making friends or kill them.

So my idea's are as follows

1) Bean bag rounds for shotguns, they would do far less damage but perhaps knock someone off their feet when you hit them. Maybe knock them unconscious if you hit them in the head, maybe break a leg with a leg shot. Perhaps even add in a new "winded" state for a chest shot.

Of course there could still be a chance of a lethal injury if you want.

2)A blackjack or some other way to knock someone out with a stealthy blow to the back of the head... Picture sneaking up behind someone knocking em out and running away with their beans while they lay there unconscious...

3)Tear gas, Both in canister form and for the M203, This could blur your vision, make your aim shaky and maybe slow you down a bit or something.

4) A Taser, This would be another way to encounter someone without being forced to kill them on sight, alternatively its a good way to rob someone without killing them..

5) This idea is the most crazy, and probably the hardest to code.. Would it be possible to make a couple shots to your gun/gun arm drop the gun? much like a shot to the leg can brake it, if you could brake your arm it would be another Tactical option that wouldn't require a kill to keep yourself alive.

That's all for now... What do you guys think?"

I see some of these have been covered already :-)

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This is amazing, you sir are a genuis!

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