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Thinkin about buying this

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Hi all,

I dont actually have ARMA 2 yet but seeing this MOD really makes me want to buy it, i love zombie games and the whole survival aspect of this MOD makes it look awesome. I do have a question though, if i have had no experience in ARMA 2 will i find this difficult to play?

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You can try the Arma demo and see for yourself. Nearly every button is mapped, but I find it alright to play.

What turns the mod down are the graphical glitches and the hackers, so if you wanna support Rocket more than Bohemia you can wait a little and buy yourself into the Beta of the future retail game. Better graphics and hoperfully an optimized engine will await you.

Personally, I bought it, because one of my friends raved about it, after playing for two days. I then started playing and raved about it to some other friends and later found out that there is a lot that doesn't work and a lack of incentive to really keep me going on the long run.

I think Dayz is a cool experience, but with the retail Beta only a few weeks/months away, I'd say get that instead. In the meantime play some Zombie Panic Source or No More Room in Hell. These are good games on their own and the developers of these mods actually have created something stable and fun to play. Though not as unique as Dayz.

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I wasnt aware that there was a retail version being released, that's interesting. Though i think i shall buy ARMA 2 for this, after watching a ton of youtube videos it seems like a game that would be down my ally. Thanks for the feedback.

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I played without any tutorial lol, just hit the keys and saw what happened :)

The ARMA game does have a tutorial at the start though :)


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I guess that would depend on what you mean by difficult to play.

Inventory management was somewhat confusing to me at first, but a short video on youtube solved that problem.

Once I had the basic knowledge to get around, I watched a few streams from more experienced players and that was a big help.

My suggestion is to try low populated servers at first so you can get used to the map, good locations for gear, how to handle zombies, and where to find the essentials to survive (food, water, medical supplies, etc) and you will be good to go.

I never played arma2 before getting dayz, but adapted rather quickly to the game. YMMV

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This is truly THE zombie survival game, I highly recommend it to anyone I talk to about gaming. As previously mentioned though, there are a few issues at the moment that need clearing up, but I guess thats the fun of being part of something new. The first time you will play the game you will not have a clue what to do, and you will probably run to the nearest town and either die from zombies or run straight into another player, players are like spiders btw, probably more scared of you than you of them, so expect to be shot on sight, unless you can talk to them before they have the chance to shoot you. Anyway, persevere and you will pick up the controls in no time, and be immersed within the game. If you have headphones I highly recommend using them, it adds to the suspense and thrill.

If you want to see more about the game, there is plenty on YouTube. A personal favourite of mine is PsiSyndicate:


Plenty of how-to's, mythbusters, highlights and unedited game footage.

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Get the game, play thru some of the in game tutorials to get a grip on the controls, and your ready to experience the AWESOMENESS of dayz :) I don't think you'll regret it

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I was new'ish to both PC and Dayz, only played CSS and Red Orchestra 2 before and not had my PC more than a couple months. I'm a jaded 360 player at heart.

I bought my PC for Arma 3 and wasn't planning on buying number 2, a friend told me about DayZ and i thought i'd give it a go. Be warned, its a mare to actually get running at all, takes a lot of folk plenty of messing about. That annoyed me no end, then the first time i played i got chased into the woods by a zed and walked for miles, off the map and back again. Died of thirst in sight of a buliding, felt like a Rambler sim and i wasn't impressed.

However, it gets under your skin, you learn the controls, learn the map and spawn points (download one off the net and keep an eye out for road signs ;) ) Then you die lots and get chased all over by zeds.Time goes on, you get some supplies, a gun maybe and die again. You start over and over, getting hunted by everything with two legs, occassionally meeting nice folk who help. You see the odd guy, follow him for a while, watch him die, rob his corpse :lol: and so it goes on.

A week or so later, just when you've got all you need to live in the wilds, you venture one last trip into a village and die yet again. Then start all over and thats where i am now. Trying to get to the hospital and out of Dodge, its harder than it looks. Try playing in the early morning, UK time for me. Less bandits about.

Its brutal, hard work to get running but quite possibly the best game i have ever played, glitches/hackers and all. B)

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if i have had no experience in ARMA 2 will i find this difficult to play?

To play? Nope.

I can see myself dying almost instantly haha

If that doesn't bother you, I highly recommend buying it. If you love zombies and your expectations are in-line, you will be a happy camper!

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