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How to be friends with random survivors you meet

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Hey there, fellow survivor.

Feeling insecure, scared, even completely terrified to meet another survivor? Here are some basic tips & tricks how to gain someone's trust! (I'm not saying this will ALWAYS work...)

1) Learn the lay of the land and the cities, you have more friendly survivors running around in the cities than on the northern towns/military spawns/big hills. Those are PvP areas. But if you get shot in let us say Cherno or Elektro, the other guy's probably scared shitless and panicks and not out for random people to kill with his AS50 on a grassy hilltop.

2) Spot him first. Hide, camp, get a decent gun & camp the top of the firestation for lookout. Your random survivor might be fighting zeds and looting buildings, try to follow him and if he gets close, warn him first over direct chat!!.

3) Either he runs scared, or he knows you are there, you said you were 'friendly!' and he will try and investigate. Now try and get in his visual line of sight, but still well hidden (pop only your head out of a wall and say 'friendly don't shoot i can see you!' or something).

4) By now whether you pop out your head several times, run by him quickly, or stalk him from the back when he's looting, he might have that feeling ''If he wanted to shoot me, he had plenty of oppertunities by now''. Be cautious, but come closer a bit, try and gain his trust by not shooting his skull open on sight. Most survivors will by now give you the same trust you give them, a silent agreement of not shooting eachother, but remain cautious.

5) Each person may react differently, but having numerous oppertunities to kill them and yet you didn't, will make them a lot less hostile towards you. Give him a bloodbag transfusion, or a gun and some ammo if he only has an axe or nothing at all.

6) Have fun with your newly acquired buddy as you both run through Cherno or Elektro or any other city.

7) Don't run straight infront of people out of nowhere! It scares them, even if you yell friendly quickly, they will still shoot you because the hughe adrenaline rush they get from suddenly seeing a dude run by him with an M4 or so.

A recap => Make sure they know you see them, help them by medical treatment or by saving them/helping them shoot zombies, give them ammo, etc..., have fun with your newly acquired buddy.

(based on several true stories of mine, the best is where i played for almost 2 hours with a guy running around the city helping others, as most people won't try and shoot 2 at once because they know they die too, giving guns, ammo, food, drinks, bloodbags etc...)

Have fun, be cautious but not a KOS! ;)

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Public Mode:

1) shoot them in the leg

2) wait till they either try to fire back or call for help

3a) if they shoot, kill them

3b) if they call for help, help them and you found a new friend

Friend Mode:

1) get some real friends

2) play DayZ together

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Public Mode:

1) shoot them in the leg

2) wait till they either try to fire back or call for help

3a) if they shoot, kill them

3b) if they call for help, help them and you found a new friend

Friend Mode:

1) get some real friends

2) play DayZ together

Yeah shooting someone in the leg isn't exactly the best way to gain their trust. Especially since you will most likely break that leg and they will have a broken bone, and be majorly pissed off. I say ask if they are friendly, if no immediate response (a "yes", a salute, a lowered gun) then fire a warning shot. slightly to the left or right of their center of mass. That way if they go hostile you are already aimed at them and only a few centimeters off from the killzone, and if they go friendly like they usually will, go ahead and make friends. Players in DayZ ALWAYS feel eternally grateful for anything another player gives them because everyone knows what a pain anything in this game is to come across when you need it. You can never find anything when you need it, but you'll find 10 when you don't :P

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Yeah I wouldn't recommend the shooting one, that's stupid. I just let other people know I'm friendly and if they kill me then they kill me. I am devoted to being a good person in the game so I will sacrifice myself for the chance of meeting another friendly :). If someone shoots me though and I have the opportunity to shoot back then I will.

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someone tried that broken leg hello tactic on my gf. she isnt exactly a dabhand at gaming but was trying a life out. was on the 2nd floor of that house looking at the supermarket and long grey building in elektro..just looking at the ground trying to pick soemthing up when some guy fires. he was standing in the door way. he ran down the corridor out of sight. so her leg is broken and she is facing the wall with a makorov, whilst i am trying to connect the mic because by now this kid is getting really excited on VOIP with FRIENDLY??? and ARE YOU FRIENDLY?? etc.. he came back in the room. he is standing behind her with AK, she still lying down facing wall with makorov and broken leg. she says yes i am friendly friendly on VOIP and so he opens fire

killed a real girl


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