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Airfield not dangerous, pine trees are

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Yesterday I desided to raid the big military airfield in the North alone, only been there in a group once. I sneaked between loads of Zeds and entered building after bulding and found nothing, ok one AKM and one AK-74 none of em interesting. After going out from the flight tower I crawled under a pine tree and BAAM! I found myself with 6000 in blood bleeding a lot, in pain and both legs broken so I cant stand. I did't hear a rifle shoot, no Zeds in sight so this must be a bug.

I couldn't continue with the airfield when I can't climb stairs nor high entrences but I'm not angry and I won't curse at Rocket I just need to use my survivel skills even more.

Time to hunt cows crawling cause I'm hungry and need blood.

If someone know a good place not to far from the airfield where I might find morphine for my legs I would be happy :)

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If someone know a good place not to far from the airfield where I might find morphine for my legs I would be happy :)

You can find those auto-injectors on airfields too, mostly in barracks. May be tricky to get inside without being able to walk, but maybe 'vaulting' helps, since you can still stand up.

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Wait until one of them drops a pine cone on you. Makes a grenade look like a tennis ball.

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Wait until one of them drops a pine cone on you. Makes a grenade look like a tennis ball.

Lol! Good show old chap.

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Ah those deadly pine trees I know them well, watch out for that flora!

Edited by funkyfrogjuice

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Thanks mate, a know about these teams and they do a great job but there are more people in need I'm a survivor, I will make it, I must make it on my own. I thought of joining some rescue team though cause I love to help people and I don't give a fuck if I risk my life for the cause.

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