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~Chernarus Tactical Force~ [CTF]

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~Chernarus Tactical Force~


A DayZ Clan

Chernarus Tactical Force is a structured DayZ clan. We are based around

squads and tactical play. We are a serious clan, but have room for fun. We strive for the best experience

for all of our members, and give them everything they need.

[CTF] Code of Honor

1. Never kill newly spawned players

2. Always be respectful to higher ranking members

3. Never disconnect or ALT + F4 from a battle

4. Never use unfair tactics (ghosting, hacking, etc)

5. Be loyal to the clan

[CTF] Joining Requirements

1. Be 18 years of age or older

2. Have a quality microphone

3. Willing to be active

4. Mature and tactical player

5. Willing to put the [CTF] tag in your DayZ name

[CTF] Squad Roles

1. Squad Commander - Leader of the squad, gives out orders to squad members.

2. Medic - Carries a majority of the medical supplies, heals injured members.

3. Overwatch - The eyes of the group, typically stays far away, carries a long range rifle.

4. Raider - Will typically bring an empty backpack when raiding, carries a majority of the goodies found.

5. Assault - Carries powerful weaponry, should have a lot of ammo, and a good vehicle driver.

[CTF] Application

1. How long you have had DayZ:

2. What role you would like to play:

3. What country to live in and timezone:

4. Age:

5. A bit about yourself:

6. Contact Information (Steam/Skype):

We are based in US/Canada. All applications will be read within 24 hours, if not sooner. If you wish to contact me, you can add me on Skype: anthony_Rayd.

Edited by ChernarusTacticalForce
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1. How long you have had DayZ:7 weeks

2. What role you would like to play: Any

3. What country to live in and timezone:U.S. gmt/utc-6

4. Age:18

5. A bit about yourself

Hello, my name is Matt, but you can call me V. I am over 18 as well. I play as a bandit in dayz and i am very interested in joining your clan. I play extremly well with groups and i use tactics and strategy well. I use common sense and i am very good at dayz in my opinion. You guys sound just what im looking for as i love me some good intense firefights. please contact me back soon. My play time is very open as well. I do have a mic and i use all voice comm programs available.

Steam name Ulysses(picture of the character Ulysses from fallout: New Vegas)

Skype name: vendetta_404


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1. How long you have had DayZ: 2 to 3 weeks

2. What role you would like to play:Overwatch / Assault

3. What country to live in and timezone: Brazil -3 GMT/UTC

4. Age: 21

5. A bit about yourself: Hey - My Dayz name is Dlx , but can also call me 'Dag' or "Dagurath" (Daguwrath). I'm a fan of Squad/Tactical based gameplay and been for my own at Dayz for quite a while now. Had my shares of problems with unknown survivors and bandits alike. I'm experienced with Military Ranked groups and ROEs. More then willing to follow orders and give any tactical insights i may add to the group. Atm i've been struggling with staying alive and finding good set up since i usually play on more crowded servers and for lone wolfs thoses are a pain sometimes, but i'm alive. I can talk almsot 100% clean english , got a mic and know my way through the game.

6. Contact Information (Steam/Skype):

Steam: Dagurath

Skype Chris.Delacroix

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1. i have had dayz for 3 months. had a character for a LONG time. literally 5 mins ago got killed by a hacker so will be starting from scratch but am experienced enough to be geared in a day.

2. assualt/raider/squad leader. honestly i can play all roles to a T.

3. eastern US, generally play 5-6 days a week at night time (1900-2130), will disapear sometimes for a couple of weeks but do come back.

4. 28 yo

5. i have played many FPS games in my lifetime. as corny as it sounds i believe in the whole PTFO (play the f'ing objective) or GTFO (get the f out). I am active duty military and have a lot of actual tactical knowledge from squad based manuvering, convoy, to land navigation (if the game ever adds in diving, i got that too). the majority of this game is what i do in real life (MINUS THE ZOMBIES hehe) so up until the hacker killing me, i survived quite easily. i am not a bandit but will shoot first if i feel threatened. i have vent and skype. if you need any other comms i can D/L it.

6. steam: deepseamk21

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[CTF] Application

1. How long you have had DayZ:

2. What role you would like to play:

3. What country to live in and timezone:

4. Age:

5. A bit about yourself:

6. Contact Information (Steam/Skype):

1. 2 Weeks

2. Overwatch sounds cool, but I'm up for anything.

3. Canada, Atlantic Time zone (EST+1)

4. 22

5. My names Keith, so far I like Dayz but I'm getting frusterated by being teamed up on so I'd like to try a team. I've had a few geared characters and am learning the game pretty quickly. Currently a new spawn, though.

6. Steam: Kinju --- I don't have skype but can talk over Vent/Steam/Mumble, or in-game

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1. 2 Weeks

2. Overwatch sounds cool, but I'm up for anything.

3. Canada, Atlantic Time zone (EST+1)

4. 22

5. My names Keith, so far I like Dayz but I'm getting frusterated by being teamed up on so I'd like to try a team. I've had a few geared characters and am learning the game pretty quickly. Currently a new spawn, though.

6. Steam: Kinju --- I don't have skype but can talk over Vent/Steam/Mumble, or in-game

I sent you a friend request on Steam!

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I sent you a friend request on Steam!

Ok, I see you - I'm ready to play when you are

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When you say "Willing" you don't necessary mean mandatory right? If I don't have to have it, I'm interested.

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1. A month, more or less.

2. Assault/Raider


4. 21

5. I'm friendly, serious, loyal and clever. I'll laugh as jokes, but when it's time to get serious I won't fuck anything up. I'm from New York, so I have somewhat of an attitude, but it's held in check.

6. Skype: FriendlyViking

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1. A month, more or less.

2. Assault/Raider


4. 21

5. I'm friendly, serious, loyal and clever. I'll laugh as jokes, but when it's time to get serious I won't fuck anything up. I'm from New York, so I have somewhat of an attitude, but it's held in check.

6. Skype: FriendlyViking

I sent you a Skype request!

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1. How long you have had DayZ: Roughly a month

2. What role you would like to play: Squad Commander/Overwatch

3. What country to live in and timezone: United States of America, Central

4. Age: 17

5. A bit about yourself: Military family, mature player, quick minded, good sense of humor, respectful

6. Contact Information (Steam/Skype): cycomonkeez

I hope you all could make an acception

Edited by Korozain

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1. How long have you had Dayz: A little over a month now

2. What role you would like to play: Medic

3. What country and timezone: USA/Eastern Standard Time

4. Age: 28

5. A bit about yourself: Well, started playing Dayz about a month ago and enjoy it tremendously. Looking to join a good group of people that I get along with and who can work together as a team. Could go on but don't want to ramble, anything else you would like to know just ask.

6. Contact Info: Steam = r3tz / Skype = r3tz006

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1. How long you have had DayZ:

> About 3-4 days now. love it

2. What role you would like to play:

> Medic/Raider i hate guns, and love my axe to death

3. What country to live in and timezone:

> west coast canada, Pacific time.

4. Age:

> 20

5. A bit about yourself:

>I work full time, enjoy my quality gaming time... i love a good game, even if i die. My grammer is shit, but who cares, i got a mic :P

6. Contact Information (Steam/Skype):

> Steam: iceman4u1 Skype: Fugly69

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1. How long you have had DayZ:weeks

2. What role you would like to play:leader or medic

3. What country to live in and timezone:USA central

4. Age:15

5. A bit about yourself:i goto brusly high i was hoping you would over look my age and allow me to join i consider myself a great stratagist

6. Contact Information (Steam/Skype):jailer88 STEAM will provide skype if accepted

Edited by sailor

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1. How long you have had DayZ: 2+ weeks

2. What role you would like to play: overwatch preferred, can do assault

3. What country to live in and timezone: US East / -5 GMT

4. Age: 21

5. A bit about yourself: class done this semester so on break for a week, but when i do got classes, i got alot of free time since i dont work and usually just game, play atm cs:go, LoL and now dayz after picking it up and loving it.

6. Contact Information (Steam/Skype): Skype - DrunkNOwning

Edited by Griid

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1. How long you have had DayZ: 3 months

2. What role you would like to play: Assault

3. What country to live in and timezone: US East

4. Age: 21

5. A bit about yourself: Loves working with others as a unit. Serious during ops, goofy during down time.

6. Contact Information (Steam/Skype): Steam: EpsilonPhoenix, Skype: OctoberBrigade

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1. How long you have had DayZ: 2-3 Weeks

2. What role you would like to play: Medic / Scav

3. What country to live in and timezone:Can EST

4. Age:22

5. A bit about yourself: Been playing for a while don't open up on people the moment I see them. Generally Offer Aid and assistance to people who need it. I've gotten some fairly nice gear a few times. Looking for a group to roll with so I can do more interesting things.

6. Contact Information (Steam/Skype): Steam: IgnoreObjective

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1. How long you have had DayZ: 6 Weeks

2. What role you would like to play: Medic / Overwatch

3. What country to live in and timezone: US West -8 UTC/GMT

4. Age: 31

5. A bit about yourself: Still new to the game but I take this game extremely seriously. Like TheDevildogGamer Survive series on youtube. I love all sorts of games and FPSs but when I started playing this one I told my Self that this is My game. The [PoS] in the front of my steam name was a "clan" that only my brother and I are in But its like an inside joke. I have a few YouTube chans where I just recently started to up some DayZ vids. Chans are ZaVaZ and TheGoreGamer on TheGoreGamer I have a good one of someone Hackin me.

6. Contact Information (Steam/Skype):

Steam: [PoS] ZaVaZ

Skype: goregamer3x6

Under the Joining Requirements can you please go more in depth on the Willing to Be active. Active to me and others can be defined differently

Another quick Question. Will we be playing mainly on Reg Ver or expert Servers?

Edited by ZaVaZ

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1. how long you have had dayz: 1 month

2. what role you would like to play: overwatch or assault

3. what country do you live in and timezone: us colorado, mountain

4. age: 24

5. a bit about yourself: play all sorts or computer games been playing dayz pretty much straight since i got it. like to have fun but get the job done

6. contact

skype: mcjeep02

steam: spyder customs

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