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Turn off side chat?

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As it is the global chat function that quite often ruins the powerful immersion of this wonderful simulation I wonder if it would be too complicated to make it possible to turn it off?

Perhaps get some kind of radio function? you could find a transmitter and receiver...

That would work for those who wanna play this as it was intentended..without any 3rd party comms like mumble,teamspeak etc.

Perhaps it would even reduce the disruptive behavior on servers...

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This will be disabled once direct chat is working

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Direct chat works with the latest beta. Make beta a requirement and tell people how to install it. Problem solved.

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This will be disabled once direct chat is working

With that being said, for those of us running a beta server, what are your feelings on us disabling all but Direct? Could be a grand experiment of immersion before pulling the main trigger.

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The chat should not be turned off, only diminshed. No one needs to see what mods you have edited when you connect.

If it weren't for the chat, I wouldn't have been able to find the clan I'm currently in and all the awesome people in it.

Most of the channels are useless, so they should be taken out.

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You could then add radios for global communication and secure channels loz

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The chat should not be turned off' date=' only diminshed. No one needs to see what mods you have edited when you connect.

If it weren't for the chat, I wouldn't have been able to find the clan I'm currently in and all the awesome people in it.

Most of the channels are useless, so they should be taken out.


I remember in the old days you used to find clans by actually meeting the players ingame. Far more immersive and rewarding in my opinion.

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My dream is:

whisper channel - AOE 3 m

say channel - 10m

yell channel - as Direct channel (40m)

And walky-talky of cause

Best regards=))

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although I'll miss the conversations I had with randoms, direct chat only will make survivor encounters all the more exciting and real

no more of this "hey I guy I see 2 miles away, you friendly?" You'll have to approach said guy if you would like to talk to him!

I hope however for radios as a rare loot drop that can be toggled on off/different frequencies for long distant communication.

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