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Finally geared up - What to do?

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First post here...

I've been playing DayZ for about 3 weeks now. It's been a hard struggle of bull***t along the way and I've been bandit killed endless times. However, I have now managed to gear myself up with an FN Fal, DMR and a Revolver. Yesterday I was heading for Electro to get some morphine (silly decision) when I started getting shot at. I noticed a guy on the flank, switched to my FN Fal and one shotted him. He died instantly and, was a bandit and I looted his GPS. As soon as I did that I fgot kicked from the server and when I spawned back in I had no GPS... Admin? Hacker?

Moving on, heading through the woods I started getting shot at yet again. This time from a sniper. Luckily for me a managed to sprint down the back of a hill and do an almighty flank on him. I managed to get behind him trying to scope me and I sniped him at 50m in the head. This guy had the morphine I wanted, some nice DMR ammo for me, NVG, GPS, entrenching tool (whatever use that is), a PDW with lots of ammo and some meat. So I took the lot and feel pretty well equipped now.

Anyway, I play solo as I play at work (sneaky sneaky) so can't voice chat with anyone I meet. I'm a little confused what the plan is for me now to continue enjoying the game.

I have good weapons, decent ammo, the tools I need for survival in the forest and enough medical equipment to fix myself up should I get into minor bother. So what do I do now? Obviously I'd like a vehicle but I see that as probably death anyhow. I don't have the desire to hit town because I don't know what I would want to find. Bar a ghillie, rangefinder and tent. I feel scared to play now for fear of losing everything and having to start again and I'm not sure what fun there is left to do? What would your next objective be?

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Your loss of the GPS was desynchronisation; the HIVE hadn't yet registered and/or saved the fact that you had taken a GPS.

My next objective would to be setting myself an objective. Hunt down some murderers. TRY AND FIND A VEHICLE. Become UNATTACHED with your gear.

Perhaps find yourself a group? Its much more fun, even at end game.

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Roll play with me in a bush. I will be a lumberjack and cut down wood with my hatchet. You can be my lady who makes me pancakes. OK?

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It's whatever you want man. Sounds like you're still missing ghille, rangefinder and tents. Also vehicles. I'd go do that. Having a team adds a whoooole lot to the game, but if you can't do that for whatever reason, then I guess that's out,.

It's OK to be scared to lose your stuff (that's what makes it fun), but if it's so scary that you won't log in and play, then I guess you are at endgame already :)

You WILL die and lose it all, eventually.

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Roll play with me in a bush. I will be a lumberjack and cut down wood with my hatchet. You can be my lady who makes me pancakes. OK?

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With all the hackers in and dupers in the game you can almost feel free to do what you want, if you should die find a high populated server go to Cherno or elecktro and just loot one of the billion bodies with top tier loot on them, most of the time you dont even have to shoot them there will just be bodies everywhere :)

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Snipe people in Elektro.

Or if you're not into that:

try visiting all of the key locations

ie: rog/zub/devils- castle

Try finding a radio and go to green mountain (I heard you pick up a frequency on your radio and some scary noises play)

Make a "base", hoard some tents find a good location and store gear you find.

Encourage your friends to play, much more fun that way.

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Setup a camp. Fill tent(s) with guns and gear. Get with a friend. Now move to high traffic locations. Setup bait tents, barbwire, or sandbags (I haven't seen the bags in game though) to use as traps or defenses. Murder people.


Go to pvp hotspots and snipe bandits.


Get on reddit and answer distress calls from other players.


Build defenses around a town. Defend it against both players and zombies.


Find cars and other camps, take what you want.


Collect every car or start a marina.


Test the limitations of the game and new features.


PvP in Cherno or Elektro


Explore the map.


Collect all the gear.


Find a bike and jump off cliffs.


See how long you can live without a backpack.


Skydive from a helicopter.


Kill yourself and start over. Every life will be completely different.


Do whatever makes you happy.

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I feel scared to play now for fear of losing everything and having to start again and I'm not sure what fun there is left to do? What would your next objective be?

SURVIVE! welcome to dayz! that thrill is the best thing in the game. bath in it! :)

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Wow this is a busy forum. Thanks for all the replies. I know that being scared of death is all part of the fun I just don't want to die doing something that wasn't an objective, but I don't know what my objective is. I should go and find a tent I reckon and put some gear somewhere. Maybe I'll go and snipe a few more bandits since that seems fun and see if ones got a rangefinder for me lol.

I really wish I could play in a group but I doubt it would be worth playing with me if I can't voice communicate.

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You'll find that dying isn't so bad when you've gotten geared up this much. 90% of the fun is getting to this point and once you're there the other ten percent comes from challenging yourself to create your own endgame content. Personally, if I were you I would challenge myself to get a quieter second primary. Gonna be tough to find just lying around somewhere, but get into some pvp up north and if you're successful there you have a good chance at an M4 CCO SD. Better yet, try to form a group of three to four people you trust. You'll find that you have a much wider variety of options available to you when you're with a group and get geared up than you do when you're solo. A good mic doesn't necessarily have to be an expensive mic, and teamspeak is free.

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I did have a silenced MP5 once which was ok but got killed trying to take too many zombies on with it when I was fairly new to the game. The mic isn't the problem, the problem is that I play at work (I'm the IT Manager of an engineering company) and it would be a bit of a giveaway if I was talking at my desk lol.

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you could wait in kamenka lighthouse to pursuade people not to jump

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you could wait in kamenka lighthouse to pursuade people not to jump

Or just plop down some suicide safety barbwire.

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