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How many satchel charges are needed to bring down a fire station?

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I put six charges in the Cherno fire station earlier (one in each corner of the bay area + two in the tower) and all they managed to do was chip the concrete a little. So has anyone found the exact number needed to bring these beasts down?

I've noticed it only takes one to bring down most of the other building models (super markets, air control towers, etc.)

Edited by HaiUzeGuize

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where are you getting all these charges from?

My team and I raid other camps and the NW airfield just about every day now. It's the only thing to do now that we have vehicles and all of the gear/guns we need. We also have like 15 Mountain Dews, as a comparison ;)

need 6+

Wow, 1 more would have done it? Or is that a joke? :unsure:

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i need a team...scavenging for a weapon or something to eat or hell even just a damn bandage is crap when people are running around with anything they need! lol

smasht_AU: did you guys build that entrance with sand bags, and the anti-vehicle barriers? how do you build stuff like that, just scrap metal and a tool box? this game has so much more that I have even begun to be exposed to...

another question, are vehicles and barriers and stuff taken away after a while or do you keep it and new ones are respawned after a server reset?

also, if you destroy a building, is it only down until the server reset?

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My team and I raid other camps and the NW airfield just about every day now. It's the only thing to do now that we have vehicles and all of the gear/guns we need. We also have like 15 Mountain Dews, as a comparison ;)

Wow, 1 more would have done it? Or is that a joke? :unsure:

your screen name and avatar are hilarious...i wonder how many ppl actually know what that is...

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your screen name and avatar are hilarious...i wonder how many ppl actually know what that is...

Not a lot, sadly. Most people have to ask... :(

And, yes, having a team does make things easier. Such as the fact most players won't fuck with you because they see that you have 8-10 other people with you. Even smaller groups of 4-5 players tend to back off when they see us rolling through. Oh, and not to mention, we can clean an entire camp out with everyone on and 2 vehicles going :P

Edited by HaiUzeGuize

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