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Bandit and bandit skin - spawn

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Sorry about the title, didn't know how to express my question. After a fresh spawn yesterday i got some questions regarding bandits/skin:

1) I found a dead player with a bandit skin on the beach ? Can you be respawned as a bandit ? I thought you have to kill some players first to get this title ?

2) Killed a bandit in Elektro but he didn't have the skin and really poor gear ?

Do you keep the bandit title after respawn ?

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Humanity seems to carry across death. The bandit you killed, I don't know. Maybe there's a gray area from what determines a bandit and when you get the skin, or if he had recently murdered he might be considered a bandit despite not being below the humanity threshold. Not sure.

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Humanity carries across death. The bandit skin is default so you can't take it off bandits.

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