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What the problem is?

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I always see new players crying about how hard it is to find food/drink/weapons/gear...

I don't see what the problem is:

On a night server I just suicided with broken legs and spawned near cherno, I had a long trek back to my body so I figured I would stop in cherno for supplies. First stop, Grocery store.

in the store I found 3 cans of soda, 3 or 4 cans of food, a Makarov with 3 mags, a Lee enfield with 1 mag, a water bottle, a crossbow and 4 bolts, a hunting knife, matches and also some other random ammo and stuff.

I grabbed some food/drink, the makarov, knife, matches, and the crossbow with bolts, I took the crossbow because if I had to dispatch a zombie or player I would rather do it silently rather than alerting everyone to my location with the enfield.

I then moved to the fire station and went in the back door. On the ground the was a M1014 and 8 rounds ammo, I dropped the bow for the shotgun at this point "just because" and found a PDW at the base of the stairwell. I swapped out the Makarov for the PDW/1mag since the mag capacity is higher and full auto could be nice if stuff gets nasty.

Heading up the stairs I see random ammo for stuff I dont have and even more food/drink. at the top I find and AKS-74U and 3 mags. Drop my M1014 and ammo and take the AKS.

I now have 2 full auto weapons, plenty of food and drink, 90 rounds for my primary and 30 rounds for my secondary. I have enough gear for my trek back but figure I would keep looking around since im already in cherno.

Next Stop the church, in the church there is even more food/drink and ammo, I leave it all there and head out. I head up to the pub and theres a bunch of zombies around and I see some flares off in the distance, I pop a flare to get the zombies away from the pub entrance and go in... even more foor/drink ammo and weapons.

By this time its starting to get light so I head out of cherno and away I go... just outside cherno to the NE there is the small farm village that has a barn, warehouse and stables, between the barn and warehouse I found 2 hatchets, 3 Winchesters and 2 double barrel shotguns... maybe a lucky spawn, but if I didnt have that AK or had a bigger pack one of those winchesters would have left with me. Grabbed the axe and made my way back to my body eventually. Dumped my cherno gear in favor of my better gear and I am now back where I was a few days ago, minus the broken legs.

moral to the story?

Don't be so scared of Cherno, if you go at night and move slowly and avoid zombies thus the need to shoot zombies, you are good. Sure someone with NVG's could have spotted me and picked me off, but they didn't.

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