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SensenmanN (DayZ)

Remove ammo auto drop/pick up!

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I am almost never happen when the game automatically picks up ammo for me, and I certainly am never happy when it drops ammo. The game drops the wrong ammo half the time, and doesn't even pick up the same ammo it drops at times.

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Extensive coding, but it is a core feature of the original game.

If someone as free time they could try to change it, but once yo get used to ARMA2 controls you hardly notice it.

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Extensive coding' date=' but it is a core feature of the original game.

If someone as free time they could try to change it, but once yo get used to ARMA2 controls you hardly notice it.


You must not change weapons often :P It gets pretty old very fast :(

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today i lost 6 STANAG mags due to this "feature". my back pack had 10 spots left in it (enough to store an M4). so i clicked the arrow to put the gun in my bag. the gun went in but all those mags "disappeared". i wasnt able to recover them.

please make it so that it ONLY does what you TELL it to do.

thank you.

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Arma2 element, keep in mind in this game you originally NEVER carry anything else than ammo in your inventory, when you drop a gun, the game tries to remove the ammo that goes with it.

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