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Apok (DayZ)

Admins are able to?

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Hey guys.

Well, first of all i dont want to blame one of my favorite servers just for a suspicion that something might be going on there.

so first of all i got some question what admins are able to do?

Can they Locate players?

We got some "trouble" with the Admin group of our main server. After i died i got a private msg from the admin that he would gimme back my stuff they got from my death. i belive he did is because he enjoyed the playing with ous as well. Suddenly he came out of the nowhere, with an atv. i spawned in Kamenka and stampeded in my rage to north or maybe north east. i was cleary far away from the coast.

Later on the same day i met the admin after a little firefight. he gave me a truck because again someone of his "crew" did something ... well ... unfair.

i said thx to him and told him i gotta go now because i need to find my friend. he just kicked out the coordinates.

The second point i was wondering it was this night, we were close to devils castle and saw 2 Choppers flying over us. is there a way to get in any way 2 choppers? i thought there is a restriction on choppers for only 1 each server.

i was just wondering. they got such a huge camp. but dont farm in any way. i never saw them in any city or on the airfield.

they got every single! vehicle in no time. like they dont need to repair.

its just very suspicious.

greetings Apok

Edited by Apok

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Was this an actual admin or simply a player named Admin?

Admins may be able to locate someone by looking through the logs for location data, not sure exactly, I don't think that the logged coordinates match up to in-game coordinates regardless but if they really wanted to they could probably figure it out.

There is no legitimate way to have two helicopters on a server, it's one per server, a hacker would need to spawn any additional ones in.

Edited by smasht_AU

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Can they locate players? No, they cannot. (edit - smash_AU is correct, they can pull locations from the logs)

A server Admin literally has the ability to do 3 things. Do an announcement or use voice over Global chat. Kick a player. Ban a player from their server.

That is it. If Admin appear to be able to locate players, move players (teleport) and or have the ability to locate active vehicles...then they are hacking.

Also, servers are limited to 1 server each. If there are two on your server one is hacked in.

You should go to the Server Reporting forum...


By the way, are you sure it's a public server and not a private hive server? Most private hive servers have admin who script/hack as a means to...admin their servers.

Edited by Ped

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Can they locate players? No, they cannot. (edit - smash_AU is correct, they can pull locations from the logs)

A server Admin literally has the ability to do 3 things. Do an announcement or use voice over Global chat. Kick a player. Ban a player from their server.

That is it. If Admin appear to be able to locate players, move players (teleport) and or have the ability to locate active vehicles...then they are hacking.

Also, servers are limited to 1 server each. If there are two on your server one is hacked in.

You should go to the Server Reporting forum...


By the way, are you sure it's a public server and not a private hive server? Most private hive servers have admin who script/hack as a means to...admin their servers.

If you don't know what's possible then please don't post...

For the majority of admins this is correct. Allowing privately signed pbo's on your server is easy, as is bypassing battleye (server end, not client).

Having said that, 99.9% of admins will not bother with that so I wouldn't worry too much.

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Thanks for the rly fast response.

also thats sad to hear :/ rly liked some of those guys ._.

yeah its a hive server. not a private one.

and yeah, im pretty sure it was the admin. he also used the global msg system ... and at least we played sometimes as a group together.

so, we knoe them a little.

what should i do now? make screenshot and post it on the "Report Server section" or just ignore it and search for a new server? ._.

just a little bit unsecure because some of them are rly nice guys ._. but i guess cheating / hacking is not rly a trivial offense, hm?

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I would just play elsewhere, you can report it if you want, haven't seen anything done with reported servers though so it's probably a waste of time.

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If you don't know what's possible then please don't post...

For the majority of admins this is correct. Allowing privately signed pbo's on your server is easy, as is bypassing battleye (server end, not client).

Having said that, 99.9% of admins will not bother with that so I wouldn't worry too much.

but if they use this to their advantage?

like for defending theire base, spot enemys and so on

I would just play elsewhere, you can report it if you want, haven't seen anything done with reported servers though so it's probably a waste of time.

thought so too.

Thanks guys : )

Edited by Apok

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