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US 443 - Banned for Using a Hacked Chopper

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I was banned from US 443 (A server where I have a camp) because I was using a hacked helicopter. I was aware it was hacked, but the server was in complete anarchy (4-5+ hackers) so I was using it to escape hackers. Near the start of the hacking I asked for a helicopter (was not granted one though), then got teleported away and saw a helicopter. I was entering and turning on the helicopter when I was local banned for hacking. I almost wonder if they just banned everyone on the server, since I did nothing wrong (I remember seeing a rule or something that you cannot be banned for using hacked items).

I ask for an unban or a legitimate reason for my ban (There isn't some, since I don't hack.)

If there's a format for unban, I didn't see it.

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You got what you deserved, BE will not globally ban any player for using hacked items, many admins do.

Edited by smasht_AU

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they cant ban you for that, how was you to know. appeal as they have no grounds. hell ive used revolver gold and probably scripted in choppers before. ive even picked up a gun i saw appear on a road next to a ghillie suit guy streaming rainbows out his ass. as long as you didnt do it your ok. i bet it was an admin who cant read logs properly who banned you.

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I was banned from US 443 (A server where I have a camp) because I was using a hacked helicopter. I was aware it was hacked, but the server was in complete anarchy (4-5+ hackers) so I was using it to escape hackers. Near the start of the hacking I asked for a helicopter (was not granted one though), then got teleported away and saw a helicopter. I was entering and turning on the helicopter when I was local banned for hacking. I almost wonder if they just banned everyone on the server, since I did nothing wrong (I remember seeing a rule or something that you cannot be banned for using hacked items).

I ask for an unban or a legitimate reason for my ban (There isn't some, since I don't hack.)

If there's a format for unban, I didn't see it.

Im not taking sides here, as I don't have a horse in this race, but If I saw in the logs that you asked a hacker for an item, then I saw you in one, I would have also tagged you as one of them.

If you stumble on something and pick it up .. and it was spawned in, then yes, nothing anyone can do. but in that story you gave... in my opinion, you didn't start the riot, but you still went in the store to grab a TV .... You want to get away from hackers and anarchy, next time log off.

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Yeah, I know it wasn't smart to ask for a chopper, but it was a heat of the moment thing. What was I going to do, just point a Mk 48 at their faces and hope they don't shoot me? I made myself known as friendly and asked for something to "break the ice" and in hopes of getting something.

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I would not really care about this ban as much as I do if I didn't set up a camp and drop a lot of loot at some tents.

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Yeah, I know it wasn't smart to ask for a chopper, but it was a heat of the moment thing. What was I going to do, just point a Mk 48 at their faces and hope they don't shoot me? I made myself known as friendly and asked for something to "break the ice" and in hopes of getting something.

to answer hightlight 1 .... Atl - F4

to answer 2 .... you're not helping yourself.

now officially, can they ban you? I believe they are not allowed too. Do I understand their ban... Yes I do

However, your case is valid as far as how the rules are, If I were you, admit what you did wasn't the best thing to do, next time you'll know to hit Alt - F4 and bail instead of trying to take advantage of the situation, and I'm sure the Admin will remove the ban.

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I don't ALT+F4.


Not only because of pride but because it's bullshit. Even if it's against hackers, I absolutely refuse to Alt+F4.

As for "answer 2", the primary reason was to avoid getting shot in the face, then there's that secondary hope of getting something. It wasn't my main reason for asking, but it was a small portion of it.

I hope this hurries up since I've got a few friends on 443.

Edited by Shenannergans

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well, I offer you good luck, you sound like a good guy that just got caught in a bad situation...

but if you don't like Alt-F4,

esc click fast hehehehhe

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If you asked for one then got one at any time after that, you were working with hackers. I assume you were talking to people you knew were hacking and asled for a chopper, and you still expect not to be punished. Also you knew 4 or 5 hackers were on, yet you were in no fear of that, you just stayed on. Were the hackers your friends? I am not an admin, but I would not have punished for just using it, but asking, then getting hack gear delivered, yeah I would punish for that.

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The thought of ALT+F4ing never occured to me, even then I wouldn't have done it. You know that adrenaline you feel when you see someone you can kill? That's what I was getting. I lost that adrenaline and it was replaced with fear once I saw them spawn a chopper. I dropped my guns and slowly walked towards them and said something like "Uhh, hey. Would you want to spawn me a chopper? :3" As a way of breaking the ice and seeing if I can get on good terms with these dudes, since getting killed by hackers is a pain in the ass.

Just because I wanted to take advantage of a situation doesn't mean I deserve a ban, IMO, though I do realize it wasn't a great idea in hindsight, it at least kept me from just walking up like "HEY GUIZ WHAT'S UP" and getting shot in the face. If you acknowledge a hacker's "authority" and stroke their ego a bit, you're much more likely to survive than if you're like "stupd hackrs u guis r fagts". The asking for a chopper was to show I understood they were hacking as well as in hopes of getting one, and understanding they can do that and they CAN kill me but they are not.

I understand it wasn't my best idea.

I don't understand why it deserved a ban, especially since I wasn't in the chopper for more than 2 seconds before being banned.

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