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Server Admins quit bit$hing and turn them off already

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I'm tired of reading "I'm an admin and being taken advantage of" I turned mine off 2 days ago. Stop QQing and do it, or just stop complaining about it. "Man up" Don't wait for the server lease to run out... Turn them OFF!!

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What is he talking about.

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Yes, instead of providing feedback in an Alpha, you should quit. Because Alphas are demos and not works in progress.

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Some of us are actually advocating for change ( or at least understanding ) here, rather than just throwing up our hands and quitting.

If you've shuttered your server, that's fine and absolutely your right. Those of us who continue to host do so because we still believe in the spirit of this mod, even if we're not entirely pleased with the current direction of development. If you don't like reading the 'QQ' threads as you call them, I have a solution for you:

Close your internet browser.

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Some of us are actually advocating for change ( or at least understanding ) here, rather than just throwing up our hands and quitting.

If you've shuttered your server, that's fine and absolutely your right. Those of us who continue to host do so because we still believe in the spirit of this mod, even if we're not entirely pleased with the current direction of development. If you don't like reading the 'QQ' threads as you call them, I have a solution for you:

Close your internet browser.

I could count the tireless threads that essential go like this "I bought a server, this game sucks now, I am going to cancel it if x doesn't happen" Have some balls and it do it.. If not then take the cry wolf $hit somewhere else.. boo whoo!!

Edited by gwbrewer

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So, let me get this straight:

He's bitching and moaning ... about OTHER people bitching and moaning.

Pathetic post is pathetic.

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