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{N3RD2} HazardousJJ

Why did I spawn somewhere I wasn't before?

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I was at the island near Krutoy Cap when I left a server..... as I join another server, I AM NEAR KAMENKA. This has happened before and I would like to know why it happened and how to prevent it. >:(

Edited by HazardousJJ

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Most likely you closed the game when stuck on a loading screen, when you are loading the game places you into debug forest, then moves you to your location when you finish loading, I am only guessing here but it's probably done so you dont get killed by players/zombies before you even finish loading into the game. If you abort/escape/close the game when you are stuck on loading the hive will think you are in debug forest still so the next time you get in a server it will spawn you back at the coast.

A temporary fix, if you know of a server that you have no problems joining is to alt tab when stuck on the loading screen, launch another copy of the game, it will ask you if you want to close the original, click no, join a server you know you have no problems joining, once you are in-game where you were supposed to spawn, alt tab to the game stuck on loading screen and close it.

Once most servers and sixlauncher update to the latest version it should occur a lot less as the main reason people get stuck on the loading screen is because they tried to join a server on a mismatching version to their own.

Edited by smasht_AU
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Most likely you closed the game when stuck on a loading screen, when you are loading the game places you into debug forest, then moves you to your location when you finish loading, I am only guessing here but it's probably done so you dont get killed by players/zombies before you even finish loading into the game. If you abort/escape/close the game when you are stuck on loading the hive will think you are in debug forest still so the next time you get in a server it will spawn you back at the coast.

Well, I think this is what I've done. All thanks to a damn Russian server that hates a high ping, I have some walking to do.

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