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Draw distance only 500m after 1.5.3?

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After installing code patch 1.5.3 i noticed that all the servers have only measly draw distance of 500m, is this intentional?

The low draw distance is making navigation hell for me because you really can't see a jackshit (like spotting castles from 3km away, or seeing other players flares 1km away at nights).

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Its the dynamic weather. it will have been foggy.

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Well i have like 500m view distance on all the servers, so do the servers share the same weather?

Edit: Since 1.5.2012 i have had foggy weather on all the servers which i have visited.

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This bothers me as well. The viewDistance is too low since 1.5.3 :(

Fog in the morning or during/after rain is OK, but fog on a clear sunny evening just looks wrong.

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^I agree completely, it's a great way to prevent people from abusing scoped weapons. at 500 meters any assault rifle stands a pretty good chance against a sniper rifle, if you can spot your enemy.

and, it can be explained easily (that's the stuff in the air that makes zombies out of dead people, for example).

I say keep it full-time

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I didn't have any problem navigating, and I have no sense of direction. Are you sure this isn't really about being able to effectively murder other people from miles away? :P

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I didn't have any problem navigating' date=' and I have no sense of direction. Are you sure this isn't really about being able to effectively murder other people from miles away? :P


Why not reduce it to 300 meters. Then it will draw enemies the earliest at 200 meters which is a good fighting distance with an winchester.

Finally this game destroying pvp will have an end then. It will feel more like your AAA rated corridor shooter with HUUUUGE levels with the worst performance and the dumbest AI zombies you've seen in the last years.

Or we all just play single player games.

Seriously. This mod lives by its PvP. After you have shot your 1000th zombie the zombies have just lost any appeal and challenge because they are no challenge and easily exploitable or avoidable.

Every time I run across a field I study the treelines and then put haste to get into cover again. Not even in woods I feel safe because I've met many others there. I am constantly on the lookout and any time I hear someone shoot I evaluate how far he is from me and if he could have seen me.

And yet all of you loud crying vocal minority wanna nerf pvp even further. ArmA 2 with 1200 meters viewdistance is already a joke and more like Battlefield 3 by the distances. ArmA 2 lives by the fact that you can look around and spot cars etc pp on 1km+ if you observe the area, which is already impossible in this mod.

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if i hate the 15 years old that just bought arma only for this mod....if i hate them...

they are the tipical people that will buy call of dute moderna warfare 3, black ops 2, and the new battlefield 3 dlcs...they have no respect...so if they are told that have to be really careful and LEARN A NEW WAY TO PLAY DIFFERENT FROM QUICKSHOT ETC ETC...THEY RAGE...

if i hate them.

If you see the server...it's such a shame to see 23outof25 server set on regular....i can't stand them.

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I didn't have any problem navigating' date=' and I have no sense of direction. Are you sure this isn't really about being able to effectively murder other people from miles away? :P

[/quote']- angry rant -

All I said (half jokingly) was if your main concern is that it hinders PvP, say so.

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it does make navigation hard. Vets of Chernarus dont really have problems navigating without a map, if I can see landmarks. Fog in its natural pattern would be awesome, mid day fog not so much.

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It does make watching people from afar rather difficult. Some of the things you see are quite funny.

Is the weather dynamic or linked to actual weather conditions based on server locale?

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played for 3 hours tonight and it was dynamic. Fog was there only when it got cloudy and the weather changed. That is what I'm talking about! Had a very long view for most of the game, then it got cloudy and the fog came.

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I enjoy the limited view distance. Walking around in daylight with large view distance is too easy to spot cars, other players, and areas to explore/avoid. Makes the map feel smaller too. These are all good things IMHO.

Large view distances also let bandits camp and use sniper rifles to easily kill other survivors. Maybe now they have to get their hands dirty and use some SKILL to engage other players, and survive, instead of sitting at a comfortable distance hidden away, just sniping. Not a fan of the rain though, simply because the animation looks horrible no matter how high you turn up your graphic settings.

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500 meters is just way too small, needs to be 1000 m.

edit: I guess its only 500 when its foggy so nevermind. What's the max in clear weather? 1km?

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500 meters is just way too small' date=' needs to be 1000 m.

edit: I guess its only 500 when its foggy so nevermind. What's the max in clear weather? 1km?


Yeah hitting with a Mildot sight on a running target at 800 meters if of course NO SKILL.

Only peeking around corners and blowing your AKM Mag Full Auto Style into the face of someone is REAL SKILL.

Grow up guys or start playing ArmA. I know that in the eyes of most modern players only corridor shooter close quarter battle style (COUNTERSTRIKE FUCK YEAH) is where you need REAL SKILL. Better make it REALLY FAST like Quake 3 and we have a winner and we can all start being really pro gamer like.

Finding a position with oversight and good concealment where you will not get easily flanked, then waiting for maybe long times but not missing the spotting of some single guy stalking throught bushes, predicting the distance, calculating how many mildots you need above him, waiting for the perfect moment and hitting him in the head (you have like MANY HITPOINTS in dayz and a normal hit wont suffice like in ArmA 2) before he can run away with evasive maneuvers (zig zag...) which will make you never hit him and he can get away and try to get behind you.

Totally not skill.

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Woah, calm down. One thing a sniper always has to take into consideration is the weather and visibility conditions. In foggy weather, expecting to be able to see great distances is not a good idea. (Admittedly, you would probably be able to see further than .5k, but, it's still a valid point.)

What's more, close-combat IS a skill, just as long range combat is. It might not be how you like to play - it certainly isn't how I like to play, give me a scoped nagant any day - but it's as valid as anything else.

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Shot someone at 800M by night yesterday. Hopefully my scope was correctly zeroed.

Meaning the view distance is max 800M-900M on clear weather. More you can't see anything that lives.

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Woah' date=' calm down. One thing a sniper always has to take into consideration is the weather and visibility conditions. In foggy weather, expecting to be able to see great distances is not a good idea. (Admittedly, you would probably be able to see further than .5k, but, it's still a valid point.)

What's more, close-combat IS a skill, just as long range combat is. It might not be how you like to play - it certainly isn't how I like to play, give me a scoped nagant any day - but it's as valid as anything else.


Not according to all the forum whiners who have been shot once in their career by a sniper. Who was most probably 250 meters away because most people do not hit a house on distances larger than that.

The forum is full of them and their demand for the NERF BAT.

The point of the random weather script also is:

Good weather: 3000 meters (mostly used in mods)

Bad weather: 500-700 meters

Rain: 300 meters

The point that strains most people is that the view distance is already VERY LOW per default and fog even FURTHER decreases that.

Not to mention that since the introduction of that RANDOM weather script on all servers I have been it has been either fog or rain. Not even ONCE there was good weather.

Shot someone at 800M by night yesterday. Hopefully my scope was correctly zeroed.

Meaning the view distance is max 800M-900M on clear weather. More you can't see anything that lives.

Viewdistance is 1200 meters I believe.

Important objects (like castles etc pp) are drawn at full view distance, so 1200 meters.

Unimportant objects (trees, most buildings, vehicles, characters) are drawn at 2/3 of the viewdistance which means 800 meters.

But probably the viewdistance is more like 1500 meters and thus the drawing distance is 1000 meters.

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You shouldn't listen to those forum whiners - it just makes you more likely to become one yourself.

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Its the dynamic weather. it will have been foggy.

Is weather synced between all players? If it's not and one guy has fog and can only see 500m and someone 700m away has no fog then he will have a game breaking advantage.

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I can confirm that weather is synced.

But here is a question, I noticed when it was raining and I looked out the door, I couldn't see the rain.

Can someone confirm if they still get fog when looking out of a building when it is foggy?

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I can confirm that weather is synced.

But here is a question' date=' I noticed when it was raining and I looked out the door, I couldn't see the rain.

Can someone confirm if they still get fog when looking out of a building when it is foggy?


I saw rain when looking out from a large tent, not sure about buildings.

Also if the weather is synced then the other critical aspect is whether or not it is area specific or global. If it's area specific and you're in an area that has heavy fog then you can't see out beyond say 200m, but if a guy 800m away is in an area of clear visibility then he can see into the fog area clearly.

I get so paranoid when running around in fog because other dynamic weather mods have failed miserably on this front.

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Are we certain there hasn't been a change to view distance? I've haven't had a day yet when I could see past 1km since the 1.5.4 patch. I have noticed some differences in fog such as ~300m and 500m but nothing like previous view distances yet.

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