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Is server hopping a banable offence

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People want to bitch about ghosting, but most of the people do it. If you spawn in on the building with the two blue things on it that has a bridge connected to the sniper building with the 3 yellow pipes, how is it your fault if somebody is there? It is no different than if you spawned on the beach, and got killed by a sniper. And as far as I know, that isn't an exploit..It is just a dick move. If you want to say ghosting as in, people who find somebody, can't get to them, leave the server, join a new, run to their spot, and THEN spawn in behind, okay fine. But where can you draw the line on what is considered ghosting?

People just need to be on their toes. I log out on the top of the building with the blue cylinders and when I join the game next, I am in the same spot, but I don't go around looking for people and leaving the server to kill them. And the same can happen to you.

Edited by Ajvkorn

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In other words, it depends on the admin.

Saying it depends on the admin implies they have a choice to set the rules for their server: they get to choose whether or not ghosting is an exploit or not.

Whereas bottom line it is an exploit and anyone who does it is a piece of shit. Sadly, half the admins are equally large pieces of shit so there you have it.

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You're being emotionally sensitive, though. When it comes down to the "nitty-gritty", it depends on the admin.

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Ghosting is absolutely an exploit and is considered to be cheating by anyone with some sense of integrity. Just because you can do it and you think everyone else is too, doesn't make it ok. It's much more rewarding to earn things legit, no?

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just unsure as rocket hasnt specified exactly what you can and cant ban for!

Rocket did come out and say that you cannot ban for anything other than racism and disrespectful verbal abuse.

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IDK if having delays and so on would work.

But they could tell you "PlayerX has logged out" , in the lower part of the screen where it says if somebody is kicked, killed etc.

If you're following somebody or something like that, you'd at least have a warning he D/Cd so you can prepare for a "ghost" appearance try.

that only works on newbie servers with nametags.

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