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Project - Supplying The Survivors (Free Gear)

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I am sick of banditry, im sure 99% of the survivors are. I am also sick of people complaining about it and not actually doing anything about it. I decided the best way to help out fellow survivors was to make them have a fighting chance against the bandit groups, because gear wise, the fight is heavily in favour of the bandits.

I started a few months ago stockpiling supplies, I did not kill for my gear, i just farmed heli crash sites, barracks and other high end military areas. I wanted to spread my wealth with the other survivors and good do-ers of the world, but it was to hard until now. The implication of bandit skin allows me to be able to tell survivors from bandits, and therefore i can give me wealth to the right people.

So heres the deal. Post in the comments your feelings about the situation, and your request. I will then PM you with the details of what to do and where to go to get your gear. Each survivor is entitled to 1 item per week, i will be keeping track of who is getting what, and ill just cut you off if you fuck me around.

The requirements are:

- You must not have bandit skin (If you have a ghillie or camo clothing you probably dont need my help)

- You must meet on my choice of server, i make the calls in the deal, not you. You wanna start trying to be boss its just not going to end well.

- You may only take one item at a time, once a week (so if you wanna build up your gear, stay out of trouble)

I ask for nothing in return, just simply that you continue to be a survivor, as you now have a large reason to keep that hero skin, and also that you post how the deal went down on this forum, so people can see its legit

Also, those of you who would like to help out, i would like a group of 4 people whom area willing to be my body guards. I will give them gear, and their job is to help me out during a trading period (Which will go for about 2 hours a day) Preferably be from australia, as i am and it makes the whole shit alot easier

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Hey i have 2600 humanity.... all i want is an m4 CCO SD or Camo... I can drop off 2 FN FAL for u which i have no use for cuz its too loud. Just started 1 week ago really like what ur doing thanks!!!

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Hi I have a regular skin, my Humanity is 600 about and I wish to request a coyote backpack. My time zone is EST in the US. My skype is EdwardLuWQ. Thanks

Are you able to pickup in the next half an hour? i will PM you server and local if you are

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Hey i have 2600 humanity.... all i want is an m4 CCO SD or Camo... I can drop off 2 FN FAL for u which i have no use for cuz its too loud. Just started 1 week ago really like what ur doing thanks!!!

Are you able to pickup in the next half an hour? i will PM you server and local if you are

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I'd love to help out by either supplying some extra things I have or by overwatching if needed. Great idea by the way keep it up! :)

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Died to hackers also.

Some good will in the form of the M16 I lost would help restore my faith in humanity.

I am a pure survivor. My last character assisted 2 noobs, and had survived 9 days before hacker death.

I am on EST, currently, no gear whatsoever....

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I just died to hackers, so I'm fresh off the coast. I hope to resume my helicopter-searching (that I was doing at the time) with a ghillie suit. Thanks for doing this.

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Would you by chance have an M16A4 Acog? I've died recently from a backstabbing newb after a 12 day long life. Having my favorite gun and a mag or 2 would easily get me jump started.

Also I would happily bring you any loot I don't have a use for in the future.

This is a great thing you're doing and if you ever need help keeping that stache alive, just ask and I'll see what I can do.

Edited by Scribe

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Do you have satchel charges? I don't have much, but satchel charges would be extremely helpful on my server. I have a bandit problem. The admin is part of the group and they stockpile vehicles, and horde weapons for their team only. I recently stumbled upon their camp and took some important stuff. All the stuff I need to survive. EXCEPT for anything to possibly destroy their campsite and vehicles. One satchel charge would do it. I am not a bandit. I do not kill for no reason. But this group needs to be ended. They need to know what its like to have everything and just lose it in a second. Also, I could become a body guard. I am very good with snipers/assault rifles/ and pistols. I don't kill unless I need to. I am not Australian but I do not sleep, so I can work at any time, and expect nothing in return. Thank you for helping out the days community, and supplying us with weapons to take out the bandits that make our dayz experience hell. PM me sometime. I'm dedicated, and would love to help you.


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Do you have satchel charges? I don't have much, but satchel charges would be extremely helpful on my server. I have a bandit problem. The admin is part of the group and they stockpile vehicles, and horde weapons for their team only. I recently stumbled upon their camp and took some important stuff. All the stuff I need to survive. EXCEPT for anything to possibly destroy their campsite and vehicles. One satchel charge would do it. I am not a bandit. I do not kill for no reason. But this group needs to be ended. They need to know what its like to have everything and just lose it in a second. Also, I could become a body guard. I am very good with snipers/assault rifles/ and pistols. I don't kill unless I need to. I am not Australian but I do not sleep, so I can work at any time, and expect nothing in return. Thank you for helping out the days community, and supplying us with weapons to take out the bandits that make our dayz experience hell. PM me sometime. I'm dedicated, and would love to help you.


Usually won't work,because they can always restart the server like asshats. Though it would make a cool video. On topic I am a bandit and it's good to see stuff like this. Instead of just crying about it on the forums you've taken the initiative and formed your own mission to give incentive to stay as a survivor.


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If this offer is still up, I need a pair of NVG's. Couple of days ago I was sniped when trying to loot a deer stand.

Although my humanity is 2500, I can't really prove anything because I found a ghillie suit in some red building in berezino. If you bring some civ clothes, I can prove it to you. :)

Skype : floatin5

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Good luck.

I tried to give a bullet to a survivor once but then they just rolled over and took a nap while spraying some sort of red particle effects at me. Ungrateful little dick.

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I play with a group of 4. As I used to be a Marksman in the British military my group expect me to have the same role in DayZ and provide overwatch. However I'm struggling to find a decent long range, high velocity rifle. I've been pretty useless at the job so far, and we keep getting done over by bandits.

In short, I would love any of the long range rifles.

Steam - Warchilo

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Good luck.

I tried to give a bullet to a survivor once but then they just rolled over and took a nap while spraying some sort of red particle effects at me. Ungrateful little dick.

Fuck yea I loled so hard.

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