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So mainly i just want to see how common a M9 SD is to find for you guys. Only seen 1 myself, tho without mags.

Looking for a M9 SD with atleast 5 full mags.

What you want for it? post below and i might PM you :)

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Never trust a person with a trolldad picture...

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Never trust a person with a trolldad picture...

Son, please B)

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I've actually had pretty good luck with the M9SDs. Found one in the first deer stand I explored on my current life.

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i found 3 once in a life at NW airport, and currently one that i am using so pretty rare, ammo is also hard to find

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I would suggest looking in DayZ for a M9 SD, or perhaps go down to your local gun store.


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Not gonna lie, if I found one I sure as hell wouldn't trade it. I'd almost be willing to tent dupe it except that'd ruin half the fun.

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i have 4 clips of m9sd ammo but missing a gun lol

Just stick em in the G17.

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Hmmm, I actually found one, no ammo. Can't use other kinds of ammo. Kind of sucks like that.

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