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@ Dayz team

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Word has come to me that a player known as is now working for the dayz team.

I am sending you this message as a warning, not a threat.

Rp-mods, a mod wich i hold dear and have put alot of effort in to help improve, has been backstabbed by , after 1.5 years of him single handedly bringing the mod to the edge of destruction.

He took decisions that affected the whole mod and its community singlehandedly, not giving a damn about the consequences.

He has been rude, abused admin rights to ban players becaus he did not like them. (gotto steam and search for "the union" = group of banned players).


rp-mods died +- 2years ago with chernarus life, was part of a group of players that tried to revive the mod and so was i, Not long after the revive decided to keep the mission for himself, banning several other members so he could make the mod in his soul image.

has done alot of Bulshit and to be honest i would prefer not to see another great mod die becaus of him.

Please deeply consider what i have written, for any further contact u can mail me at the adress given on my profile.

i posted this here becaus i don' know where else to and since PM to staff are disabled.


small glampse of the kind of bulshit does.

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i dont even know this guy but I already dont like him. Please remove him. Thanks.

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Hi there,

I removed the person's name, and the links. I hope you understand, but I think that probably it should have been something emailed through to the email address and kept in private (there is a contact the team link on the main site). Posting like this is, well, really a form of slander. Even if the person could prove this isn't true, you will already have harmed that person. I might add, that nothing you posted is proof of anything at all - even if they were the person in the images speaking. The development teamspeak chat for DayZ has far worse on a nightly basis.

From what I can tell, you're saying that the person involved:

- Joined to help out the development mod/mission

- Was around for 1.5 years causing disruption

- Disagreed with the team and/or you

- There was an argument, people left, took their/everyones work

- The mod project died

You don't, however, tell me what you're asking me to do. Are you suggesting that I should remove this person from helping out with the development?

From my own experience, the pure and simple truth is rarely pure and never simple.

Nearly all the code is written by me and uses other community projects such as CBA, JayArmA2lib, and so on. I'm not quite sure how you can expect this person to bring down an entire project, I'm quite sure that if I ditched the project it would carry on. A project is not about one person, and I don't think one person can kill a good idea. Once a good idea catches, a really good idea, it becomes more than itself and more than the person who started it. That's the cool thing about good ideas. When people try and control that idea, and control who has access too it - that is when you have issues. Maybe some of these issues were the one that bought down the project you speak of.

My recommendation would be, if someone is damaging the mod - don't wait 1.5 years to ditch them. I have ejected several members from the team and rejected nearly all the work submitted from random people. I did this because I am (trying) to apply production standards, not to upset people - but that is the standard set for the project.

If people are being difficult, or they want to cause trouble, or start threatening to leave. Fine. I say "there is the door, don't let it hit your arse on the way out".

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Such threads usually force drama and make the subject ignored by everyone as annoying...

We are here just trying to say that, despite being a decent coder, that guy has a controversial background and left many people dissapointed.

It is not like this is a reason for you to say "people say you suck, get out". Just a shout of indignation.

Btw, who made that new temperature feature?

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mir(also old rpmodsmembr) is right


the reason we couldn't ditch him was becaus the powers he had on the forums,mission, were to big,

the thing is it was a 1man team with puppets in his team.

-we could not ditch him becaus he had control of forums

-control of mission

-he chose his first team to be all german people, making sure he got what he wanted and the rest of the community were left in the dark.

i'm not saying he will single handedly bring down the mod,

Just be VErY cautious with the powers u give him, since he has a history of abusing them.

Such threads usually force drama and make the subject ignored by everyone as annoying...

We are here just trying to say that' date=' despite being a decent coder, that guy has a controversial background and left many people dissapointed.

It is not like this is a reason for you to say "people say you suck, get out". Just a shout of indignation.

Btw, who made that new temperature feature?


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What upsets me far more than anything you have accused that person of, is the way you treat someones integrity as a gossip currency. You deliberately sidestepped my attempts to let that person remain nameless.

This confirms to me one thing, this post was never about the DayZ project at all. This post is about an issue between you all. Grow up, and get this filth out of my home. I will not have people's integrity thrown around like some common muck while I am here.

Last warning.

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What upsets me far more than anything you have accused that person of' date=' is the way you treat someones integrity as a gossip currency. You deliberately sidestepped my attempts to let that person remain nameless.

This confirms to me one thing, this post was never about the DayZ project at all. This post is about an issue between you all. Grow up, and get this filth out of my home. I will not have people's integrity thrown around like some common much while I am here.

Last warning.


forgive me if i did post the person's name again,

I pritty much typed all i was thinking

but dont think my intentions are souly to destroy that persons reputation, becaus after all changing his player name is not that hard...

i realy like this mod, i do,

the last (2months i think?), ive played dayz all the time having more fun there then on clu,

and since i personally do not realy see a future there anymore i just wish to make sure this mod's future will not be Endangerd aswell (as little as it might be).

The Person involved has closed the chapter on the rpmods.

all i am saying is: History Might be History , but Out of history we learn.

I hope you understand my opinion.

Greetz from lostman.

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wait? is this real? is there really drama going on in the dayz team?

here i thought it was smooth sailing since the get go

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Why dont you just take it to private discussion, guy might be an asshole but you arent going anywhere with this...just sayin

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Why does this thread still exist? Should have been a PM in the first place :\

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There is no drama in the development team.

I am currently the weakest link in the DayZ team because I am the sole ingame coder. A few people have helped me out with error checking and code submission.

Some folks come into my home (this forum), bringing their issue against that person here. Even if everything they said about this person is true - they don't care about this project at all. Their concern is about the ongoing fight they are all having.

This is not a playground. Take your fight elsewhere. If you can't restrain yourself from posting, I am more than happy to help in that regard.

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Close the topic and / or delete it mate, nothing to see here, move on.

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This issue has been brought forward via matt lightman via PM to the team.

Feel free to Lock/Remove This Topic.

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I have reviewed the information.

You need to be very careful when you question a person's integrity. In fact for me personally, there is nothing that will get me upset faster than someone questioning my integrity. What you did was wrong, coming in here and doing that. All you have proved is that you and the person had some kind of dispute.

This is a petty dispute about something completely irrelevant to this project. Again, your motivation is this dispute and not DayZ at all. You have bought discredit on yourself and those associated with you and lost all respect from me. Even if what you say is true, what you've done is waste my time because you want revenge.

"He that studieth revenge keepeth his own wounds green, which otherwise would heal and do well."

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We just want you to continue work on the project as you are seemingly the only person who knows how do make the game enjoyable while very hard at the same time, which is why we are worried about this being corrupted.

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Um, Rocket, I think he is just trying to warn you.

If he wanted to continue his fight he could have done so anywhere else. Anytime.

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Yes there were several disputes between me and that person

all i try to do here is to inform/warn this mod of the possible danger when working with this person.

and i keep strict lines to myself ingame and outgame, if i ever see this person on a rp server by example, then i will rp with him, but my personal opinion about this person will stay due to the events that have passed.

Pls lock the topic since all that needed to be said has been said and the team has been adressed.

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I was watching/listening to this video again:

Interesting how some things fit with text.

holy shit i had never heard this speech before ' date=' thanks for sharing.


the truth is rarely pure and never simple.

thats Oscar Wilde

ya im nitpicking but still :P

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I sent an email to you via the contact form.

u may need to resend it, i think something wrong with email adress, i changed to new so try now

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