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3 Scripters as Dogs on US2209 - Screens, Names, Logs

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* Server this happened on.

DayZ - US2209 ( (Regular|3D:ON|CH:ON) dayzmod.com - TBAGaming.com| Vilayer.com

* Time that it happened including your timezone.

13 Aug 2012

4:53 pm, US Central (GMT -6)

Server time is GMT -9

* What happened during the incident.

I logged into the server via the desktop rcon client as RCon admin #0. I see three users named DayZ , [ZET]Jrobi14 , and ultramarine joe pop up in chat immediately. I was amused by the name "DayZ" and gave a tip of the hat via a lol through the console. I then started up the game and spawned in to go about playing.

A few seconds after getting into the world, I see chat from the same names appear in the direct channel on my screen. I am suspicious due to the low probability of 3 players knowing my exact location and being there. I then see three dogs run up to me. I am mildly confused, but cognizant enough to recognize that these guys were clearly using illegal methods to change their appearances and possibly teleport.

I give a stall response and snap screenshots of all three names. The leftmost dog in the final screenshot then turns into a ghillie-suited-survivor and, as expected, guns me down. I immediately check the screencaps to obtain the names in order to ban. Seeing a clear exploit, I execute bans on 2 of the trio, but the third disconnects before I am able to get him.

On my death screen, I see many deaths appear rapidly. I then have receive reports via teamspeak of other players seeing the deaths while stuck at one of the loading screens during spawn-in. I then download the server logs for analysis in prep for this report.

Here is a transcript (with IP addresses REMOVED). My report begins at the first bolded underlined portion at 9:23:50. I will provide the full downloaded log files to authorities privately if that is necessary.


Edited by Fraggle

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well, permi ban all 3.

not just the hacking, but using the n word as well.

probs little children playing an 18 game again.

btw, VERY good work on the evidence, you have 100% proof.

best i have ever seen in fact for ban evidence XD

Edited by Shadytash101
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Shiat - and you had nice gear, too!

I sometimes really get a laugh out of how creative some people are with hacking this game. So far, I've seen police cars, dogs, players losing their weapons and turning into sheep... what's next? Maybe someone can turn me into a chopper, so I can fly around.

Of course it sucks and I really hate when it happens, but reading about all this stuff is mildly amusing to me. I just wish it wouldn't happen nearly as often. One hack a week I could stand, but usually it's getting hacked all the time. There should be an emergency global chat, so you can warn others. I usually get really suspicious, when I see a lot of people die in short time. But that's not evidence enough to make me change the server, because changing means waiting.

Edited by S3V3N
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Reported for exposing players GUID's and players IP (sensible informations) publically. They should be sent privately if anything.

You also had the care of hiding your own IP, but leaving other IP's exposed (if that TBA noisy player has a static IP, now he needs to change it to not risk to being DDOS'ed because of your careless post).

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Please don't post players IP's and GUID's publicly, it's open to abuse.

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