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I applaud Bellicosity, Miky, VictorM (for his thread) as well as many others for bringing us some much needed common sense. There are players who love the harsh and realistic world of dayz yet when you want to suggest that only a medic could transfer blood without letting you drop dead of coagulation as well as severe infection or that only a mechanic could fix a complex, sophisticated multi million machinery such as a transport helicopter, they tell you it would ruin the game.:huh:

If anything it would make it more real and immersive. To say that adding skills makes it a "mainstream" RPG is black and white thinking and short-sighted.

A human can not expect to live in the wilderness and die happily as an 80 year old hermit in a cabin in the woods without human contact in a Zombie apocalpyse. Most of us are not vitruverian know-it-alls, we have to establish a network of skill exchange to survive. The super-cool loner out in the wilderness living flawlessly in luxury in the wilderness should be a rarity, a puerile fantasy at best, get real.

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Hi there, I actually have not played DayZ (lappy won't run it plus it is too unstable to my taste in its current alpha phase so i prefer to wait) but i've watched quite a bit of it and feel confident enough to talk about it and i have been thinking about about a similar idea that i think would mix well with yours.

Naturally all what i am about to suggest would have to be balanced properly.

The main way of getting better at something would be by doing it. Everything has a out of hundred skill property, the more skill points you get the better you get at using it.

For example take one of the the sniper rifles in the game. For every shot you fire you would gain 0.25 skill point and for every head shot you would get 2. with every 10/100 you get with that gun the camera shake will slightly become less and the time it takes for you to get your gun ready will become less. Of course when you get to 100/100 you will only be say 40% more accurate than a starting player with that specific gun.

This will make players specialize and try and form groups of individuals who complement each other.

Another example would be whenever someone uses a bandage be it on him/herself or on someone else their skill is raised by 1 point and every 10 points they become a bit quicker at doing it. Same goes for blood transfusions although they could also give out a bit more blood when a player becomes more skilled (less waste).

Skill raising books could add 20 skill point to whatever they are about and can only be read once by a player. However once read it can be passed to another player making it a very valuable object. Naturally these books should be extremely rare and perhaps it would be an idea to have only 2 different books for each subject and only 1 unique copy of them on the map.

Skill sharing i find to be an extremely interesting idea and a pretty realistic one as well. After all you pick stuff up from your surrounding.

To go back to the sniper rifle example i'd say that whenever you have another player in your immediate range shoot someone you get 0.1 skill point better at it, 0.2 for a headshot.

I would also like to suggest that it would be impossible for people to learn skills from others unless that person has at least 40/100 skill points. Also players should not be able to getter better than another person via shared learning.

When a player has passed say the 90/100 skill points in something i would like to suggest that learning from them becomes more effective. So for the sniper again insteal of getting 0.1 skill point you'd get 0.2 for a normal shot and 0.4 for a headshot.

A final thing that i would like to suggest and i understand if some people are against this one would be to allow people to maintain up to 50 percent of their obtained skills when they are killed depending on how long they managed to stay alive.

So from 0-1h alive your maintain nothing, 1-2h you maintain 10percent, 2-3h 30percent 3+h 50 percent (again everything that i've said up to know should be balanced properly).

Also not to break the "immersion" i think it should be impossible to look up what your skills currently are. Perhaps only display them when you get killed.

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Hi all, my first post. Hope I'm not repeating things but just wanted to add my thoughts on this.

One of my favourite things about Day Z is the way that improves REAL skills such as being able to read a map properly. I didn't realise how bad I was at reading maps when I started this game and now I think I'm pretty good! In some ways I'd like if this feel to the game was kept pure.

However I do like the idea of losing even more than just your loot when you die. If you had a well trained character then weighing up the risks of a fight would become even more interesting. Loot is quite easily replaced, 50 hours worth of survival is not.

For representing these skills, I think there are already too many icons on the screen. If the bonuses you got from skills were based on chance, and this chance increased the more you used the skill then I think you could get away with not even showing any numbers/icons.

You could do things like the more times you reload a particular weapon, the faster it gets. The more times you use a bandage the faster it gets etc. I'm actually kind of surprised that the game has infinite sprint. Could be nice to get so tired you literally can't run anymore, and the more you run the longer that takes.

So overall I think some amount of character progression that isn't loot could make the perma-death aspect of the game more interesting, so I'm totally for this.


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This idea is shit. Sorry' date=' it just is. However, I have a good way to do something similair.

You get books, you find them in grocery stores, houses, hunting towers, etc. And the books you find are related to the area. Ex. I go to a military barracks, inside there are books that tell you how to fly a helicopter. I then use the knowledge in this book to fly a helicopter. There are no stats, just realistic sources of information.


No, you learn how to fly a helicopter by actually learning how to fly a helicopter with a joystick and everything. There are ArmA clans that teach how to fly helis, even how to fly if it is damaged. There are videos on youtube and you can practice in single player.

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