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The Survivor Squad is looking for Members.

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Hello DayZ Community,

about a week ago I decided to found a steam group, with the purpose to gather people from this board and play together in a squad.

Playing in a team we managed to survive even the most dangerous Gameplay situations and we also managed to give us a pretty good stand in the game (gear wise). We have a network of Camping Tents all around the map to assure that basic Gear is available on every map zone. Regardless of our success we are still looking for a couple of new members to complete the squad line-up. Our goal is to have about 16 members and maybe two Squads of four people playing at a single time with different operations tasks.

Squad URL:


We play on the AWA-Private Hive Servers.

The two servers have 60/60 population most of the time, which means it's hard to survive.

We currently own:

1x SUV

1x ATV

1x Basecamp (2 Tents)

...on AWA-Private Hive ONE (

The Survivor Squad is a Task Force, its consisting of the most skilled Survivors and if someone in the Squad needs help, there will always be a rescue operation.

Note: The Survivor Squad is not a Clan and though everyone who is part of the Squad is not bound to any specific play style or amount of playing time.

The sole purpose of the Squad is to have as much fun as possible with DayZ and we managed to achieve that goal pretty good by now.

Regardless of the laxly management there will still be a couple of attributes that every member needs to have, those are:

- Good knowing of the English Language

- Fluid English speaking

- Microphone

- Steam

- Patience

- Teamplay

- Europe Timezone

...if you do have all those attributes you can feel free to contact me trough PM or Steam. We will take every contender with us on our travels and we will decide if he will be a full squad member after a few encounters. Only the most trustworthy Squad-Members have unlimited access to our Basecamp.


Edited by YassirX
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Good luck with this. I like the sound of it.

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The Group now consists of 12 Members, there are still 4 places left.

Maybe we will increase the maximum at the future, but it will stay like this for quite a while.

We do not have a specialized medic in the group yet and we are looking for a player who is maybe specialized on this purpose.

We although only have one long range sniper yet (1000m and more), so if you are capable of aiming from that distance you are welcome.

Group slots available:

2x Medic

1x Long-Range Sniper (Scout)

1x Random

Edited by YassirX

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