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DayZ without Zombies?

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Chernarus, DayZ, we love it, but sometimes many of us don't feel like doing a long-term survival project, but rather PVP like.

If we had two Chernarus worlds depending on which servers we choose, would it be wrong? Just face it. Watch twitch streams. Many players seeking for PVP.

World1: Zombie apocalypse, spare loot, hard survival times

World2: No Zombies, a lot more players, global chat, more random loot.

ITT, a serious question, coz I am not an Arma veteran. Is World2 already possible in Arma II multiplayer? The random loot side of it?

ITT: No kiddie blahblah (World2=COD kids)

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DayZ is more about Zombies, than PVP.

DayZ without Zombies, is like Battlefield without guns

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There are plenty of games like that you can go play already. Why would you want to turn DayZ into another one?

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i would agree with the responses here... the default game arma 2 has what you are looking for then.

day z without zombies and without all the survival stuff is just arma 2

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I think Day Z is already quite heavily PvP, probably more so than PvE at the moment. I don't think it needs to be expanded upon further. You can make your own missions and lan games for ARMA2 for pvp stuff anyway. THeres also lots of really good other mods for ARMA 2 that are more PVP. I think Day Z needs to remain dedicated to what it's supposed to be, which is pruely survival, be it against zombies/environment or bandits.

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Just play the ARMA 2 game if that's what you want?? O.o

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DayZ is more about Zombies, than PVP.

DayZ without Zombies, is like Battlefield without guns

What is this your first day in DayZ? I've been playing this game for a month or so and I threat zombies as flies. They're just minor annoyance, not even an obstacle. The only thing they're good at is showing if there are people in a town that I'm approaching.

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Exactly, in fact people are playing it PVP like, their heart does not beat if they meet Zombies, but if they meet players. Take all Zombies away and you have the same experience as currently exists.

I know many regret that fact and wish for harder Zombies.

Its of course a valid point, not to change DayZ to something that it is not.

But can you advise me: How/where can I find enough people to do PVP on the Arma II Chernarus map? Everyone is playing dayz. You think I have to find them outside the dayZ world, right? TIA.

I still think: Servers with all DayZ-Options, but without Zombies and more players: Why not?

Edited by plymouth_colony

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There has to be a reasonable balance between World 1 and World 2. Too much to one of them and the game is a fail. I play on night time on low pop servers to avoid hackers in my local servers, it is extremely boring. World 1 needs a hell of alot more content. In World 2 there is way too much expendible ammo from hacked in items and constant duping (intentionally or by accident). If PvP was legit, your shots would need to count and you would need to do some PvE to maintain your stores if your unsuccessful in looting your kills.

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I dont think splitting a new formed community such as Dayz is what they are going for.

Though I agree with what your saying.

I think if the zombies were more feared rather than other players it would give a reason for people to group up and work together to get loot, then kill each other. :P

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