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Resetting Map

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Is it possible to wipe out your current map and reload a fresh one?

I use vilayer and cant see and dont have access to mission files, also dont want to delete folders if they wont re-download.

Would be very nice to be able to wipe out all the tents, fortifications and vehicle spawns to at least curb the dupe fest my server has become.

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Already tried that before we got a private hive. Try sending emails or ask in Server Admins IRC. Didnt got a resset after weeks.

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i thought i read somwhere that buildings that arent suposed to be in. get wiped at a serverrestart??

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i thought i read somwhere that buildings that arent suposed to be in. get wiped at a serverrestart??

They normaly will. But he means the 40000 tents duping with high end gear that respawns on every restart, the cars that are out of the map or swim in the ocean and the barbwire that blocks every firestation on the map.

Edited by Spider

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Yeah i have buildings on my server that i never saw before, so i think some hacker spawned them in. there were so many hackers on my server cause of a live streamer, and now there are more vehicle ingame as there should be, there is an C130J somewhere on my map. And last but least, i need a new map due the duping tents and vehicles. Im at Vilayer 2 and i will go to their TS today to solve that problem.

Edited by =GEiZ= Gettokrieger

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Is it possible to wipe out your current map and reload a fresh one?

I use vilayer and cant see and dont have access to mission files, also dont want to delete folders if they wont re-download.

Would be very nice to be able to wipe out all the tents, fortifications and vehicle spawns to at least curb the dupe fest my server has become.

Be aware that that regular players to your server will lose their hard earned stuff.. It could do more harm than good.

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I will not do a server reset, without letting known the regular players. Most of them know that i will do a server reset somewhen, because i knew that Rocket would do sth against the duping. And in order to get rid of these dupe tents i told them that i will do a server reset.

So its important to let your player know about the reset.

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Oh I planned on putting it in the MOTD and 80% of the regulars use the TS so it will be easy to let everyone know and I would give a weeks warning. If rocket doesnt have the sense to reset servers for 1.7.3 I will do it myself at that time.

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