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To servers owners:veteran instead of regular

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I hate 1st person view in ArmA - I can't stand it even though I'm an FPS gamer through and through, it's just too clunky in this engine.

I'd much rather see the devs efforts be in things like a completely reworked inventory system, and further optimizations of the netcode between ArmA and Hive (or what ever the databse system is called) to reduce bandwith requirements for server owners...

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I'd prefer it if all servers were forced to play at difficulty disallowing range finder/identifier tags with the mouse wheel/space-bar.

This a hundred times.


So finally my range finder is worth ANYTHING.

Also no more counterstrike close quarter sniping beacause of aimpoints on your screen.






All servers need to be on ONE difficulty setting!

It is just insane that one some servers with the same character you can peek around corners even peek above walls while zooming out and on others you have only 1st person.

So decide for ONE difficulty setting and all servers use that setting!

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I'm also up for veteran mode. Spotting sux it could only work in close distance so you would see player name but now is just supid.

There is already a lot of games for casuals with zombies and other stuff so i dont think we need another one.

If you make this mod too easy it will just burn out and nobody will play it anymore. You will get the best gear and just leave game because there will be nothing to do anymore because i dont think that developers will make infinite new content(quest, bosses, events) for free just to entertain you this is not WoW.

Sry for my english

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the problem is that people earn their reputation...and Arma has low popularity because is even less immediate than Red Orchestra 2.

Then come the causal player...the same player that buys more than 2 or 3 games a months...this kind of player buy all the POPular and trendy videogames...actually playing ARMA in 3rd person adn with crosshair on equals to listening to Justin Bieber and Britney Spears instead of some good ACDC.

They play the way they could get the most advantage...is like driving into a wall with a flight simulator just for the same of glitching.

Beware..this is the people that ruin our economy' date=' a PLAGUE for the humanity. The same people that want EASY AND FAST solution to hard problem that require mind power.

I really hope arma 3 is so hard and bugged that all this casual babbyes go back to shitty battlefield 3 or theyr mass gay effect for what i care.

DEVS: your mod maybe fun, but you are attracting the casuals...please put as obligatory VETERAN INSTEAD OF REGULAR.


this is elitist and disgusting.

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the problem is that people earn their reputation...and Arma has low popularity because is even less immediate than Red Orchestra 2.

Then come the causal player...the same player that buys more than 2 or 3 games a months...this kind of player buy all the POPular and trendy videogames...actually playing ARMA in 3rd person adn with crosshair on equals to listening to Justin Bieber and Britney Spears instead of some good ACDC.

They play the way they could get the most advantage...is like driving into a wall with a flight simulator just for the same of glitching.

Beware..this is the people that ruin our economy' date=' a PLAGUE for the humanity. The same people that want EASY AND FAST solution to hard problem that require mind power.

I really hope arma 3 is so hard and bugged that all this casual babbyes go back to shitty battlefield 3 or theyr mass gay effect for what i care.

DEVS: your mod maybe fun, but you are attracting the casuals...please put as obligatory VETERAN INSTEAD OF REGULAR.


this is elitist and disgusting.

Niche games are usually better than AAA titles.

Why? Because there is no freaking decline in the game to make it playable by retarded 13 year olds.

DCS is one of the best games in recent years. Why? Because it knows what it wants and serves that. And people like it.

I really hope ArmA 3 will not be a bling bling graphic fest and decline of everything else.

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For example: ACDC is an awful band. They are bland' date=' they have almost no musical talent, and Angus Young sounds like his vocal chords were chucked into a blender. Guess what? [b']That's just my opinion, and I wouldn't go around to fans like you and say that people like you who listen to music that could be made by a sixteen year old who just discovered the C chord on guitar are ruining the music industry, because, all together now, that's just my opinion.

Thats not just your opinion. Thats an objective fact.

There is music that is listenable but really badly made. And ACDC is one of them. The artists performing are neither very good at their job nor is their songwriting anything special.

Back to games:

Everyone aiming at the mainstream crowd is just destroying their game and mostly their future. Just look at all those frenchaise picked up and destroyed with it. Look at all the promising games ruined by it. Pirates of the Burning Sea comes to mind.

All descended from a very good idea or type of games but were blended and declined until my little cousin can play it. And trust me I know what I am speaking of. As soon as there is no big arrow pointing him where to go and a voice guiding him he is all like OMG WHAT WAS I SUPPOSED TO DO. But if you want to sell 10 Million copies you must make sure even a retarded person can perfectly play it.

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Haha, whoops, I thought you made an earlier post, when that was actually another guy! My mistake, and I apologise. I actually agree with your sentiments entirely. I still don't like dismissing of players as 'casual' - casual games are fine. I think the real issue is 'consolification', not 'casualisation'. But that's a topic for a different thread in a different forum. :D

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Most pvp servers in arma are veteran, so playing 1st person is second nature, how i learned to play the game.

Hence, i only play on UO servers. 1st person is an aquired taste.

I suggest if you're new to Arma, jump into the deep end of the pool and learn to love veteran.

1st person is the standard in the Armaverse for PvP play.

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Most pvp servers in arma are veteran' date=' so playing 1st person is second nature, how i learned to play the game.

Hence, i only play on UO servers. 1st person is an aquired taste.

I suggest if you're new to Arma, jump into the deep end of the pool and learn to love veteran.

1st person is the standard in the Armaverse for PvP play.


Every serious map played on any server is 1st person only.

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EU #1,2,3 which I host are all on an edited Veteran, naturally no magic spotting of people and no third person :)

I wouldn't want to have it any other way really.

It really helps as far as immersion goes as well, first person is simply something to get acclimatized to.

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I suggest if you're new to Arma' date=' jump into the deep end of the pool and learn to love veteran.

1st person is the standard in the Armaverse for PvP play.


Couldn't agree more. The "clunkyness" that everyone likes to complain about is just a matter of familiarisation and of customizing the settings to fit your personal preferences.

It may be tough at first, but as a result you get a much deeper experience.

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the game is what it is. what audience it attracts should be of no concern to you.

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What exactly is the problem?

There ARE veteran servers and there ARE Regular servers, if you don't like regular stay on veteran, and vice versa, keep your elitism in check.

I swear, some parts of the arma comunity are going the exact way they claim they don't want it to go, the CoD way.

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What exactly is the problem?

There ARE veteran servers and there ARE Regular servers' date=' if you don't like regular stay on veteran, and vice versa, keep your elitism in check.

I swear, some parts of the arma comunity are going the exact way they claim they don't want it to go, the CoD way.


That's how it's working.... and right now all the Regular servers are packed to the brim, and the veteran servers have openings. The crowd wants Regular, and taking it away WILL cause a population drop. Sad, but it's the way it is.

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I would love veteran mode, minus forced first person.

I only use FP for using my weapons in this game. Even with headbob and deadzone (which I enjoy having on) turned off, you're still very jittery in FP and I literally get sick from it. So when travelling I use TP until I get to a town or make contact with someone. I agree that crosshairs and spotting is silly to have.

However, working with a group at the moment without highlighted names doesn't turn out so great. Say, you're in a building with two of your mates, you each clear a floor, you finish, head up stairs and see a guy in a white shirt, black vest+pack, Oh that's just jimbob142, sweet! *BLAM* you're dead. It wasn't your buddy.

Someone else just had the same model. Even if you were chatting on TS/Vent, what-have-you, you're talking to jimbob142 who is looting on the second floor, you're more than likely going to think it's him.

Do away with crosshairs permanently, but unless we all have custom characters, it's impossible to know who's who at the moment

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im sorry, 3rd person is all i can play on unless im actually doing some shooting obviously, 1st person is to clunky when youre trying to raid a house and what not.

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I haven't seen any US veteran servers. Are there even any? I'd love to play on veteran, but don't neccessarily want to take the ping-drop and play on Euro local time.

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