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White Listed Medic #37 has been killed tonight on server US 2129 Dallas approx. 1000p.m. Mountain Time near the Castle of Rog of all places. It was a night server and I put up my first medical re-supply tent for us Medics to re-supply from. I was near a little white shack that was located South East of Rog down hill a bit. As I finished saving my tent a shot rang out in the dark as someone (probably a bandit) Killed On Sight without trying to communicate with me. Yeah it sucks that I lost all my equipment but it's my fault for being a bit careless on a night server and not thinking anyone was around. Well whoever you are mysterious killer enjoy my gear :(

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I pitched a tent in the woods that close enough to Elektro for me to do hospital runs back and fourth and stock the tent full of medical supplies and basic weapons for is medics un-case we are killed in action. It's a pain in the ass to gather up enough materials as a medic when U die so having a tent which the medics know its location is a great way to keep us supplied. But U always have those bastards out there that K.O.S. without trying to communicate with Survivors. Oh well I guess that tent wasn't ment to be. I'll try some other location.

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If you play on 2129 alot let me know i am the admin so its my home server and i am always looking for more people to play with my info is on the start up screen. Also if its buggy or you experiance any hackers let me know. :)

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I'll give that server a try again. I'd really like to find a home server to put up some medical tents. Add me on steam: AlphaStalker and I will definitely let U know if there are hackers on that server. I usually write down the names of everyone on that server if I get hacked ;)

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I have a question. How do U become admin of a server, do U have to pay monthly for your own server? Just interested in maybe owning my own server one day. If U have a link that would be useful. Thnx

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