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You were told that you would not be given any proof on this forum, it will go to the Devs when and IF they ask for it! If you think that a server will be shut down over 1 complaint from someone who is so rude then you really do think that the world start and ends with you....and your world is about to be crushed when you are forced to deal with the harsh reality that you are just some guy with nothing better to do than complain about 1 server when there are thousands more for you to play on.

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this is pathetic that a hacker ( you yourself said you used hacked gun so you are a hacker) hacks the game then goes to the forms and cries about it when things don't go his way. Jack told you that the information you seeking will go to the devs and the devs only but seeing from all this but hurt crying your doing that you can't read or comprehend what is being said. I've also read the other post that you have written on the forms and it seems that you cry about every server that you play on. If you get that but hurt over a game please do yourself a favor before you stroke out and stop playing the game! Its just a game this isn't real life! If you want to make a complain about admin abuse on 1037 then do so on the admin abuse forms and stop bluffing! This issue been going on for many days now and you have yet to post that complaint! As for myself I play 1037 every night and find it to be a great server other then the hackers such as yourself. Now its time to put up or shut up because to be quite frank I doubt anything you say has truth to it nor do I doubt busy devs will find the time to look over one person complain see how no one else has complain about this server!

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Wow. This thread is out of control!

I am sure I posted all of this information in my other post. So please read this one very carefully this time.

1. razyel_kain You WILL NOT be unbanned from US 1037.

2. I WILL NOT show any type of log files or excerpts from said log files. They are for the server admins and devs only.

3. Please post in the admin abuse section if you feel you were unfairly banned.

*Request that a forum admin lock this as it is now just a flame war and holds zero value for the community.*

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you are right...the admins of 1037 are biased and i want to spare the mods the effort of banning every forum account dweeblord has made so far. I already posted my complain on admin abuse, and as you know it can take up to 48 hours for a dev to look over it and approve/deny it.

Please close this thread

P.S: xxjessxx using a hacked gun that was picked up from a tent belonging to DG clan, as despicable as it might seem it's not against dayz rules. I don't care if the admins of the server have an issue with that or not, but as long as it's ok with the mod developer, i will continue to use it..

P.S. II: as you know jack, the advantages of having 3 PCs where I live is that I have one fresh copy of arma 2 with DayZ installed on each. I will simply use a diff PC this time. I guess I will see you on the server later tonight, as soon as I get home from Work :), so, from that point of view although entertaining, this thread has been kinda pointless lately. See ya ingame :)

Edited by razyel_kain

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you are right...the admins of 1037 are biased and i want to spare the mods the effort of banning every forum account dweeblord has made so far. I already posted my complain on admin abuse, and as you know it can take up to 48 hours for a dev to look over it and approve/deny it.

Please close this thread

P.S: xxjessxx using a hacked gun that was picked up from a tent belonging to DG clan, as despicable as it might seem it's not against dayz rules. I don't care if the admins of the server have an issue with that or not, but as long as it's ok with the mod developer, i will continue to use it..

P.S. II: as you know jack, the advantages of having 3 PCs where I live is that I have one fresh copy of arma 2 with DayZ installed on each. I will simply use a diff PC this time. I guess I will see you on the server later tonight, as soon as I get home from Work :), so, from that point of view although entertaining, this thread has been kinda pointless lately. See ya ingame :)

As long as you do not cheat I could care less. However we banned your IP as well so I am not sure if you will be able to join unless you have more than one inet connection. But if you are able to join and play fair then all the power to you.

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As long as you do not cheat I could care less. However we banned your IP as well so I am not sure if you will be able to join unless you have more than one inet connection. But if you are able to join and play fair then all the power to you.

You realize it takes 1 minute to change your IP?

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